• Open the file SC_AC365_2021_2a_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for download.
  • Save the file SC_AC365_2021_2a_FirstLastName_1.accdb as SC_AC365_2021_2a_FirstLastName_2.accdb.
  • Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2.”
  • If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added automatically.
  • To complete this project, you will also need the following files:
    • Support_AC365_2021_2a_UmbrellaData.xlsx

With the file SC_AC365_2021_2a_FirstLastName_2.accdb open, ensure that your first and last name are displayed as the first record in the _GradingInfoTable table.
If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy.


  1. 1. Personal Insurance, Inc. is a national company that insures homeowners and renters. It also offers umbrella policies that provide additional coverage. As a regional manager, you need to be able to query the database to help make decisions and answer questions from other employees.

Create a query based on the Customers table in Query Design View with the following options:

a. Add the CustomerID, FirstName, LastName, and DateOfBirth fields to the design grid in that order.
b. Sort the records in ascending order by LastName.
c. Save the query using CustomerLastNameSorted as the name.
Open the query in Datasheet View, then close it, saving if necessary.

  1. 2. Open the HomeownersPremium query in Design View and make the following changes:

a. Delete the CustomerID column from the design grid.
b. Add criteria to select only those records where the Premium field value is greater than 2,000.
c. Save the changes to the HomeownersPremium query.
Open the query in Datasheet View, then close it, saving if necessary.

  1. 3. Open the LiabilityOrProperty query in Design View and add criteria to select only those records where the Liability field values equal 75,000 or the PersonalProperty field values equal 75,000. Save the changes to the query.
    Open the query in Datasheet View, confirm that 3 records appear in the LiabilityOrProperty query results, then close the query, saving if necessary.
  2. 4. Open the ComparisonBirth query in Design View and make the following changes:

a. Add the FirstName field to the query design grid. The FirstName field should immediately follow the CustomerID field.
b. Add criteria to select only those records where the DateOfBirth field value is less than 1/1/1950.
c. Set the format to Medium Date for the DateOfBirth field.
d. Set the caption to BirthDate for the DateOfBirth field.
e. Save the changes to the ComparisonBirth query.
Open the query in Datasheet View, confirm that the results match Figure 1, then close it, saving if necessary.

Figure 1: ComparisonBirth query results

  1. 5. Open the StateCitySort query in Design View and make the following changes:a. Move the State field to the beginning of the design grid so that the order of the fields in the grid is State, City, FirstName, and LastName.
    b. Sort the records in descending order by the State field and in ascending order by City.
    Save the changes to the query. View the query in Datasheet View, then close it, saving if necessary.
  2. 6. Open the LiabilityAndProperty query in Design View and add criteria to select only those records where the Liability field values equal 100,000 and the PersonalProperty field values equal 100,000. Save the changes to the query.
    Open the LiabilityAndProperty query in Datasheet View, confirm that 2 records appear in the query results, then close the query, saving if necessary.
  3. 7. Open the MichiganCustomers query in Design View and add criteria to select only those records where the State field value is MI. Save the changes to the query.
    Open the query in Datasheet View, confirm that 7 records appear in the query results, then close the query, saving if necessary.
  4. 8. Because customers of Personal Insurance reside in many different cities, it is often difficult to know the exact spelling of a city. Open the CustomerCity query in Design View and add criteria to select only those records where the City field value begins with the letters Al.
    Save the changes to the query. Open the query in Datasheet View, confirm that 2 records appear in the query results, then close the query, saving if necessary.
  5. 9. Many queries require data from more than one table. For example, you may want a query to display the customer last name rather than the customer ID for a renter’s policy. Create a query in Design View based on the Customers and Renters tables with the following options:a. Add the Customers table and the Renters table to the design window.
    b. Add the LastName field from the Customers table to the design grid.
    c. Add the PolicyNumber and Premium field from the Renters table to the design grid.
    d. Join the Customers table and the Renters table by drawing a line from the CustomerID field in the Customers table to the CustomerID field in the Renters table. (Hint: Because the field names are identical in both tables, the line may already be there. Do not attempt to recreate the line if it is already present.)
    e. Save the query using Customer-Renter as the name.
    Open the query in Datasheet View, then close it, saving if necessary.
  6. 10. Because customers live in different states, it is often advantageous to create a query where you can change one criterion using a parameter query. Open the StatesParameter query in Design View.

a. Add parameter criteria to the State field to replace the current “FL” criteria. The new parameter criteria should prompt the user with Enter desired state as the text.
b. Save the changes to the query.
c. View the query in Datasheet View. Enter PA when prompted.
Confirm that 8 records appear in the query results, then close the query, saving if necessary.

  1. 11. Open the TopValuesProperty query in Design View. Modify the query to sort the PropertyDamage amounts in descending order. Change the Return value to display only the top 5 records.
    Open the query in Datasheet view, then close the query, saving if necessary.
  2. 12. Open the TotalCoverage query in Design View. Modify the query by creating a calculated field. Enter TotalCoverage: [Liability]+[PropertyDamage] in the Zoom dialog box of the first empty column in the design grid.
    Save the query. Open the query in Datasheet View, then close the query, saving if necessary.
  3. Open the AveragePremium query in Design View and perform the following tasks:

a. Add a Totals row to the design grid.
b. Select Avg as the calculation in the Total row.
c. Set the caption to Avg Prem for the Premium field.
Save the changes to the query. Open the query in Datasheet View and confirm that it matches Figure 2. Close the query, saving if necessary.

Figure 2: AveragePremium query results

  1. 14. Open the CustomersWithoutHomes query in Design View and perform the following tasks:

a. Change the join property for the relationship between the Customers and Homeowners tables to select ALL records from the Customers table and only those records from the Homeowners table where the joined fields are equal.
b. Add the Is Null criteria for the PolicyNumber field and add an Ascending sort order on the LastName field.
Save the changes to the query. Open the query in Datasheet View and confirm that there are 21 records in the query result. Close the query, saving if necessary.

  1. 15. Open the UniqueStates query in Design View. Modify the query to list all states only once. Save the changes to the query. Open the query in Datasheet View and confirm that there are 15 records in the query result. Close the query, saving if necessary.
  2. 16. Create a crosstab query based on the MidAtlantic table with the following options:

a. Use only data from the MidAtlantic table in the crosstab.
b. Use the State field for the row headings.
c. Use the City field for the column headings.
d. Use a Count of the CustomerID field as the calculated value for each row and column intersection, and include row sums in the crosstab query.
e. Save the query using State-City Crosstab as the name.
View the query, then save and close it.

  1. 17. Export the Renters table as an Excel file (.xlsx) with the name Renters to the same folder as the one that stores your database. Do not export the data with formatting and layout. Save the export steps using Export-Renters as the name. Do not add a description.
    Save the changes to the table and close it.
  2. 18. Use the Import Spreadsheet Wizard to import the data from the Support_AC365_2021_2a_UmbrellaData.xlsx support file and append it to the Umbrella table. Do not save the import steps. Open the Umbrella table in Datasheet View. It should contain 14 records. Close the table.
  3. 19. Rename the PennsylvaniaOwners query as PennsylvaniaCustomers in the Navigation Pane.
  4. 20. Group the objects in the Navigation Pane by Tables and Related Views.

Final Steps:

  • Save and close any open objects in your database.
  • Compact and repair your database, close it, and then exit Access.
  • Follow the directions on the website to submit your completed project.
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