- Download the file (SPORTNAME) BOOTCAMP FLYER.docx
- Save the file as Word Project_First and Last Name_(SPORTNAME) BOOTCAMP FLYER to your computer or OneDrive.
Example: Word Project_John Doe_SOCCER BOOTCAMP FLYER
Note: If you do not see the.docx
file extension in the Save As dialog box, do not type it. The program will add the file extension for you automatically.
- You are the coach for a sports team you are recruiting and need to create a flyer about the upcoming bootcamp.
- Change the document theme colors to Violet II.
- Change the case of the flyer’s headline paragraph to Capitalize Each Word. Change the font size to 36 point, Algerian, and apply the Fill: Purple, Accent color 2.
- Center the paragraph.
- Ensure the word “workout” is on a new line.
- Resize the picture you inserted to a width of 6″, and then apply the Soft Edge Oval picture style.
- Add the Bevel Round picture effect.
- Add glow: 18 point, purple, accent color 4.
- Insert a horizontal scroll below the picture you inserted.
- Set the Width to 4.85″ and the Height to 1″.
- Change the scroll color to Plum Accent 1.
- Insert the text: “BE ON TIME READY TO SHOW YOUR SKILLS!!!!!!!!!!”
- Set the font color to White, font size to 16, and make it Bold.
- Center the scroll and ensure the top of the scroll is touching the bottom of the picture’s glow effect.
- Underline the text “Three-hour sessions” and “Six-hour session” below the scroll picture.
- Italicize and bold the text:
“Arrigo -Vecellio Field, 2600 N. Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33409” in the paragraph that starts with “The bootcamp…”. - Change the exercises to the star bullet (Font: Wingdings, character code: 171), text font: Book Antiqua.
- Change the font of the text from “Three-hour sessions” to the bulleted list to Font Abadi, size 12.
- Change the bulleted list font color to Dark Purple, Text 2.
- Shade the paragraph containing the exercises in Dark Purple, Text 2, Lighter 80%.
- In the same bullet list, change the spacing before to 12 point and the spacing after to 6 point.
- Add a 3-point Plum, Accent 1 page border using the double style (the 14th border in the Style list).
- Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any spelling errors. (Hint: Ignore names.)
- Insert the “DO NOT COPY” watermark in your flyer.
- Change the watermark color to Green.
- Insert the ™ special character next to the flyer heading (SPORTNAME BOOTCAMP FLYER).