Question ❓

I have a few data files related to Chapter 7 of my Excel course. The files are as follows:

  1. Chapter 7 – Excel (1).xlsx
  2. Chapter 7 – Excel (6).xlsx
  3. Chapter 7 – Excel (7).xlsx

I need assistance with the following tasks:

  • Copying and pasting data between these files.
  • Using the formatting tools available in Excel, such as “Freeze Panes” and “Find and Replace.”

Could you provide guidance on how to effectively manage these files and utilize these features?

Solution ✅

  • To calculate the serial correlation in decade returns for each asset class and inflation, you can follow these steps in a spreadsheet:


  1. Input the Data: Fill in the actual returns data for each cell in the table. Replace “value” with the appropriate return values for each asset class and decade.

2.Calculate Serial Correlation:

3.Repeat for Each Decade:


2.Calculate Serial Correlation: For each asset class and inflation, calculate the serial correlation using the relevant function in your spreadsheet software. Here’s an example formula for calculating serial correlation in Excel:

=CORREL(B2:B10, B3:B11)

This formula assumes the returns for Small Cap in the 1930s to 2010s are in cells B2:B10 and B3:B11. Adjust the cell references according to your actual data.

Repeat this for each asset class and inflation.

3.Repeat for Each Decade: Repeat the process for each decade. Adjust the cell references in the correlation formula accordingly.

4.Repeat for Each Asset Class:


4.Repeat for Each Asset Class: If you want to compute the correlation for each asset class across all decades, you may create a separate table for the correlations or compute them in a new set of cells.

Small CapLarge CapLT BondsT-BillsInflation

These are example placeholder values. Replace them with your actual return data and use appropriate spreadsheet functions (like CORREL in Excel) to compute serial correlations for each asset class and inflation across decades.

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