 Open the file SC_AC365_2021_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available
for download.
 Save the file SC_AC365_2021_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_1.accdb as
 Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
 If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will
be added for you automatically.
 With the file SC_AC365_2021_EOM1-2_FirstLastName_2.accdb open,
ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the
_GradingInfoTable table.
 If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new


  1. Rural Health Associates is a healthcare company that manages rural health
    clinics in underserved areas of the country. You work in the Patient Services
    department as an information specialist. In this project you will improve an
    existing database by creating and modifying fields and tables, queries, forms,
    and reports.
    In the Navigation Pane, rename the Patients form using PatientEntry as the
    new form name.
  2. Use the Simple Query Wizard to create a new query. Choose the PatientID,
    FirstName, and LastName fields from the Patients table. Use PatientListing as
    the name of the new query, open the query to view information, a portion of
    which is shown in Figure 1, and then close it.

Figure 1: PatientListing Query

  1. Create a new form based on the Family table using the Form tool. Rename the
    form, using FamilyInfo as the name, confirm that the form matches Figure 2,
    and then close it.

Figure 2: FamilyInfo Form

  1. Use the Report Wizard to create a new report. Choose the FamilyID,
    LastName, City, and State fields from the Family table. Do not add any grouping
    levels. Sort the records in ascending order by LastName. Use a Tabular layout
    and a Portrait orientation. Title the report FamilyListing, preview the report, a
    portion of which is shown in Figure 3, and then close it.

Figure 3: FamilyListing Report

  1. Create a table in Design View. Add a field named ServiceCode with an
    AutoNumber data type and a field named Description with a Short Text data
    type. Define ServiceCode as the primary key. Save the table with the name
    HealthServices, and close the table.
  2. Open the ProfessionalStaff table in Datasheet View and add a new record with a
    StaffID value of 112, FirstName value of Kendra, LastName value of Lister,
    Position value of Doctor, and ClinicID value of 3.
  3. With the ProfessionalStaff table still open in Datasheet View, delete the record
    for StaffID 100 (Adam Mendoza), modify the FirstName value for the record with
    StaffID 110 (Rebecca Roderick), using Becky as the new value, and close the
    ProfessionalStaff table.
  4. Open the Patients table in Design View. Add a field named DateOfBirth with a
    Date/Time data type, add a field named Gender with a Short Text data type,
    and a field named FamilyID with a Short Text data type. Save and close the
    Patients table.
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