 Save the file SC_AC365_2021_EOM4-1_FirstLastName_1.accdb as
 Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
 If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will
be added for you automatically.
 With the file SC_AC365_2021_EOM4-1_FirstLastName_2.accdb open,
ensure that your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the
_GradingInfoTable table.
 If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new

  1. Competitive Swim Clubs Inc. is a national chain of swim clubs targeted to youth
    and adults who are or who want to be competitive swimmers. You are the
    regional manager for clubs located in the Southeastern United States.
    The Human Resources Department has requested a report showing current
    swim coaches for each club. Use the Report Wizard to create the report shown
    in Figure 1. The report is based on the ClubsandCoaches query. Add the fields
    ClubName, LastName and FirstName to the report in this order. View the data
    by Coaches. Group the report by ClubName and sort the records by LastName in
    Ascending order within the ClubName group. Accept the defaults of Stepped
    layout and Portrait orientation. Use Coaches by Club as the report name. View
    the report, confirm that it matches Figure 1, and then save and close the report.
    Figure 1: Coaches by Club Report in Report View
  2. To better target specific members, the Basic Members List report needs to be
    grouped and sorted. Open the Basic Members List report in Layout View. Group
    the report by State and then sort the records by ClubID. Save and close the
    Basic Members List report.
  3. You routinely send materials to the clubs in your region. Create mailing labels
    for the Clubs table to use for your purposes. Use Avery labels C2163 with an 11
    point. Arial font, light font weight, and black color. Format the labels with
    ClubName on the first line, Street on the second line, and City, State, and
    PostalCode on the third line. Include a comma and a space after City and a
    space between State and PostalCode. Sort the labels by PostalCode. Use Labels
    Clubs as the name of the mailing labels. If a message appears stating “Some
    data may not be displayed,” select OK. Save and close the mailing labels.

Cashman Access 365/2021 | Module 4: End of Module Project 1 4. The SwimFees Report needs to have the same theme as similar objects in the
database. Open the SwimFees Report in Layout View and apply the Office
theme to this object only. Save and close the report.

  1. The Coaches Layout Form would be easier to read if it were in a different layout.
    Open the Coaches Layout Form in Layout View. Select all the labels and controls
    in the Detail section and place the selected controls in a Stacked control layout.
    Move the LastName control so that it appears after the FirstName control and
    then add the Specialty control to the form above the ClubID control. Confirm
    that your form matches Figure 2. Save and close the form.
    Figure 2: Coaches Layout Form in Layout View
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