 Open the file SC_AC365_2021_4a_FirstLastName_1.accdb, available for
 Save the file SC_AC365_2021_4a_FirstLastName_1.accdb as
 Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
 If you do not see the .accdb file extension, do not type it. The file extension will
be added for you automatically.
 With the file SC_AC365_2021_4a_FirstLastName_2.accdb open, ensure that
your first and last name is displayed as the first record in the _GradingInfoTable
 If the table does not display your name, delete the file and download a new


  1. Personal Insurance, Inc. is a national company that insures homeowners and
    renters. As a regional manager, you need to be able to prepare reports for other
    managers and create forms that help in making database updates.
    Open the Regional Customer Report in Layout View. Group the report by the
    Region field, and then sort the report by the CustomerID field in ascending
    order. Do not add any additional grouping or sorting options to the report. Close
    the Group, Sort, & Total pane, then save and close the report.
  2. Open the Renter Policy Report in Layout View, and modify the report as follows:
    a. Average the values in the PersonalProperty column and sum the values in
    the Premium column.
    b. Switch to Print Preview to view the report and to check that the values in
    the subtotal controls and the total controls are not truncated (cut off)
    c. Return to Layout View, and, if necessary, drag the sizing handles for the
    subtotal control and the total control down so that the values display
    Save the report without closing it.
  3. With the Renter Policy Report still open in Layout View, apply conditional
    formatting to the Premium column. If the premium amount is greater than
    $225, display the value in bold, Maroon font (6th column, 1st row of the
    Standard Colors palette).
    Save the report again, confirm that it matches Figure 1, and then close it.
  1. Open the NE Homeowners Report in Layout View, and then create a summary
    report. Save and close the report.
  2. Open the Customer Contact Report in Layout view. Apply the Office theme to
    this object only. Save and close the report.
  3. Use the Label Wizard to create mailing labels for the Customers table, and
    include the following options:
    a. Use Avery C2163 as the label size.
    b. Use Arial font, 11 point font size, Light font weight, and Black (1st
    column, 6th row of the Basic Colors palette) font color with no special font
    styles for the labels. (Hint: These formatting options may be the default
    settings for your label.)
    c. On the first line of the label, include the FirstName field, a space, and the
    LastName field.
    d. On the second line of the label, include the Address field.
    e. On the third line of the label, include the City field, a comma (,), a space,
    the State field, a space, and the PostalCode field. Your label should match
    Figure 2.
    f. Sort the labels by the PostalCode field.
    g. Save the report as Labels Customers (which is the default name).
    Preview the report, confirm that it matches Figure 3, and then close it.

Figure 2: Prototype Customers Label
Figure 3: Labels Customer Report

  1. Use the Report Wizard to create a report based on the Customers and Renters
    tables. The report should include the following options:
    a. Include the CustomerID and LastName fields from the Customers table.
    b. Include the PolicyNumber and Premium fields from the Renters table.
    c. The data will automatically be grouped by the CustomerID and LastName
    fields, but do not add any additional grouping levels.
    d. Sort the report by the PolicyNumber field in ascending order.
    e. Use the Stepped layout and Portrait orientation.
    f. Save the report using Customers and Renters Report as the report
    Preview the report, confirm that it matches Figure 4, and then close it.
  1. Open the Customer BirthDate Form in Layout View, and then modify the form by
    performing the following tasks:
    a. Select all labels and controls in the Detail section of the form. (Hint: Do
    not select the form title label in the Form Header section.) Place the
    selected controls in a Stacked control layout.
    b. Add the DateOfBirth control to the end of the form after the State control
    as shown in Figure 5.
    c. Move the LastName control after the FirstName control as shown in Figure
  2. (Hint: Be sure to select both the label and the control for the LastName
    Save and close the form.

Figure 5: Customer BirthDate Form

  1. Open the Claims Update Form in Layout View, and then bold the Paid control.
    Save and close the form.
  2. Open the Umbrella Update Form in Layout View, and then add the current date
    to the form. Use the option button for the second date format. Do not include
    the time on the form. Save and close the form.
  3. Use the Form Wizard to create a form based on the Homeowners table with the
    following options:
    a. Include the CustomerID, PolicyNumber, PropertyDamage, Liability, and
    Premium fields (in that order) on the form.
    b. Select the Columnar layout for the form.
    c. Save the form using Homeowner Premium Form as the form name.
    Close the form.
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