 Save the file SC_PPT365_2021_3a_FirstLastName_1.pptx as
 Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
 If you do not see the .pptx file extension, do not type it. The file extension will
be added for you automatically.
 To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:
 Support_PPT365_2021_3a_Stack.jpg
 Support_PPT365_2021_3a_Statistics.pptx
 With the file SC_PPT365_2021_3a_FirstLastName_2.pptx open, ensure that
your first and last name is displayed in the presenter notes on Slide 1.
 If the presenter notes do not display your name, delete the file and download a
new copy.


  1. Jetsam Capital, a venture capital company, has hired a team of technical data
    analysts for their startup initiation. Your task as an analyst is to prepare an
    introductory presentation for new startup owners. Start by formatting a picture
    on Slide 1 (“JETSAM CAPITAL”) as follows:
    a. Insert the picture Support_PPT365_2021_3a_Stack.jpg.
    b. Resize the picture to a height of approximately 4″. Allow the width to
    adjust automatically.
    c. Crop the picture using the left cropping handle to a width of approximately
    d. Apply the Sharpen: 50% correction to the picture.
    e. Position the picture within the left brown frame, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Position for Picture on Slide 1

  1. On Slide 2 (“Basics”), apply the Saturation: 66% color saturation to the picture
    to adjust it for a better appearance.
  1. With Slide 2 still displaying, convert the slide body text (not the title text) to
    WordArt to maximize its effectiveness as follows:
    a. Apply the WordArt Style Fill: Black, Text color 1; Outline: White,
    Background color 1; Hard Shadow: White, Background color 1.
    b. Apply the Glow: 5 point; Tan, Accent color 2 (2nd column, 1st row in
    the Glow gallery) Glow text effect.
  2. On Slide 3 (“It Starts as a Simple Idea”), use the content placeholder to insert a
    3-D Clustered Column chart with the data shown in Table 1. (Hint: Delete the
    Series 2 and Series 3 columns.)

Table 1: Data for Clustered Column Chart on Slide 3

  1. With Slide 3 still displaying, modify the chart as follows:
    a. Enter the text Most Valuable Startups as the chart title.
    b. Change the chart style to Style 8.
    c. Change the font size of the title text to 18 point.
    d. Use Smart Guides to align the chart to the position shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Position for Chart on Slide 3

  1. With Slide 3 still displaying, reuse slides by inserting Slide 2 (“Numbers to
    Numbers in the US”), Slide 3 (“Invest in Your Own Success”), and Slide 4 (“Five
    Key Pieces”) from the file Support_PPT365_2021_3a_Statistics.pptx
    available for download from the SAM website. (Hint: Confirm the reused slides
    match the destination theme.) [Mac Hint – All four slides from the
    Support_PPT365_2021_3a_Statistcs.pptx file will automatically be inserted
    into your presentation if you are using a Mac. You will need to delete the first
    inserted slide – Slide 1 (“Startup Stats”).]
  2. On Slide 4 (“Numbers to Numbers in the US”), align and format the pictures for
    better balance in the slide as follows:
    a. Use align commands to bottom-align the pictures to the slide.
    b. Apply the Relaxed Perspective, White picture style to the pictures.
  1. On Slide 5 (“Invest in Your Own Success”), insert a text box as follows:
    a. Enter the text Does my service have value? in the text box.
    b. Change the font size to 32 point.
    c. Change the text box height to .7″ and the text box width to 5.64″.
    d. Apply the Colored Fill – Purple, Accent 1 shape style (2nd column, 2nd
    row in the Theme Styles gallery).
    e. Use Smart Guides to align the text box to the position shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Position for Text Box on Slide 5

  1. On Slide 7 (“The Reason 86% of Startups Fail”), format the WordArt to stress the
    slide’s message as follows:
    a. Change the WordArt style to Fill: Red, Accent color 3; Sharp Bevel.
    b. Apply the Inflate: Middle, Deflate: Top and Bottom Transform text
    effect (4th column, 7th row in the Warp section). [Mac hint – Deflate
    Inflate Deflate Transform text effect].
    c. Apply the Perspective, Right 3-D Rotation shape effect (3rd column, 1st
    row in the Perspective section).
    d. Resize the text box height approximately to 3.3″. Allow the width to
    adjust automatically.
    e. Use align commands to center the WordArt horizontally on the slide.
    f. Use align commands to align the text box to the middle of the slide.
  2. On Slide 8 (“The Road to Success”), insert a column to the right with the data
    shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Data for Table on Slide 8

  1. With Slide 8 still displaying, apply the Cross cell bevel (3rd column, 1st row in
    the Bevel gallery) to enhance the table’s appearance.
  2. On Slide 9 (“The Startup Glass Is Half Full”), use the content placeholder to
    insert a table with the data shown in Table 3.

Table 3: Data for Table on Slide 9

  1. With Slide 9 still displaying, modify the table as follows:
    a. Insert a new row at the bottom.
    b. Type First time success in the new first column of the fifth row.
    c. Type 18 in the new second column of the fifth row.
    d. Change the table style to Medium Style 3 – Accent 1.
    e. Bold the text “45” in the second row, second column.
  2. In Slide Sorter view, move Slide 8 to become the last slide.
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