• Save the file SC_WD365_2021_EOM3-1_FirstLastName_1.docx as SC_WD365_2021_EOM3-1_FirstLastName_2.docx
  • Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
  • If you do not see the .docx file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added for you automatically.
  • With the file SC_WD365_2021_EOM3-1_FirstLastName_2.docx open, ensure that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.
  • If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy


  1. As a development specialist at the Northern Oregon University Foundation, you
    are creating an information sheet to mail to prospective donors. On page 1, flip
    the picture of the foundation’s logo to orient the text horizontally. Change the
    position of the picture to Top Left with Square Text Wrapping.
  2. Add a dotted bottom border to the address line paragraph. (Hint: The dotted
    style is the second option in the Style list.) Change the color of the border to
    Green, Accent 1, and change the width to 1 ½-point.
  3. On page 2, use the Format Painter to apply the formatting from the text “Make a
    gift, change a life.” to the text “The Northern Oregon University Foundation” in
    the paragraph “The Northern Oregon University Foundation…or educational
  4. Apply the Brightness: +20% Contrast: +20% correction to the picture of the
    students. Resize the picture to a width of 5″, and then add the following alt text
    description to the picture:
    Group of five students walking on campus.
  5. Clear the formatting from the paragraph “Thank you for considering…men and
    women’s athletics.”
  6. Add the Linear Venn SmartArt in the blank paragraph after the “In the previous
    fiscal year, university support came from four sources.” paragraph. Working
    from left to right, enter the following text in each shape:

Cashman Word 365/2021 | Module 3: End of Module Project 1 7. Resize the SmartArt to a height of 2.3″. Change the colors to Transparent
Gradient Range—Accent 1, and then change the SmartArt style to Intense

  1. On page 3, set a right-aligned tab stop with a dotted leader at 5.25″ for the
    paragraph “Gift Designations 2020”.
  2. Insert a row at the end of Gift Designations table containing the data shown in
    Figure 1. Apply the List Table 3—Accent 5 table style to the table.
    Figure 1: Row to Insert
  3. Flip the Donate picture in the “Your Gifts Change Lives” section to orient the text
    horizontally. Change the text wrapping to Square. Recolor the picture to Green,
    Accent color 1 Light.
  4. Change the shape style of the “President’s Club” shape to Moderate Effect—
    Gold, Accent 6. Apply the Shadow Offset: Center shape effect from the Shadow
  5. Use the Format Painter to apply the formatting of the “Scholarships” shape to
    the “Fellowships” shape.
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