 Save the file SC_WD365_2021_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_1.docx as
o Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
o If you do not see the .docx file extension, do not type it. The file
extension will be added for you automatically.
 To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:
o Support_WD365_2021_CS1-3a_Quotation.docx
 With the file SC_WD365_2021_CS1-3a_FirstLastName_2.docx open, ensure
that your first and last name is displayed in the footer.
o If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a
new copy.


  1. You are an associate consultant for Devon & Company, a major consulting firm
    located in Montreal, Canada, and are completing a report for a client on trends
    in grocery stores. On page 1, change the case of the “Trends Analysis” title to
    UPPERCASE to make the title more striking.
  2. Change the theme colors to Green to coordinate with the company logo.
  3. Add a shape to fill the blank space on the page as follows:
    a. Near the bottom of page 1, insert a Rectangle from the Rectangles
    section of the Shapes gallery.
    b. Resize the new rectangle to a height of 1″ and a width of 6.5″.
    c. Apply the Colored Fill – Lime, Accent 3 shape style to the rectangle.
    d. Remove the outline from the rectangle.
    e. Drag the rectangle so that its top edge is flush with the bottom edge of
    the “TRENDS ANALYSIS” green rectangle and its bottom edge is flush with
    the top of the blue rectangle containing the “Insight”, “Analysis”, and
    “Direction” pictures, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Position of the New Rectangle

  1. On page 2, format the heading paragraph “Overview” as follows to set it apart
    from the other headings in the document:
    a. Apply a 20 point font size.
    b. Apply the Fill: Green, Accent color 1; Shadow text effect.
  2. Illustrate the suggested strategies for Green Market Grocery as follows:
    a. In the blank paragraph in the “Overview” section, insert a Grid Matrix
    SmartArt from the Matrix section of the SmartArt gallery.
    b. Enter the following text in the shapes: Upper-left shape: Local and fresh
    Upper-right shape: E-commerce Lower-left shape: Shopping and more
    Lower-right shape: Meal kits
  3. Format the SmartArt as follows to suit the appearance of the document:
    a. Change the SmartArt colors to Colored Fill – Accent 2.
    b. Change the SmartArt style to Subtle Effect.
  4. Provide more detailed information about a statistic as follows:
    a. Find the sentence “Today, small producers…branded goods market.”
    b. After the period at the end of the sentence, insert a footnote with the
    following text: Small producers are those ranked below the top 100
  5. Draw and format a text box as follows to include a quotation about online
    grocery shopping:
    a. Draw a text box to the right of the paragraph “Consumers also show…
    attractive, inviting environment. ” in the “Focus on Local and Fresh”
    b. Resize the text box to a height of 1.5″ and a width of 2.3″.
    c. Position the text box using the Bottom Right with Square Text
    Wrapping option.
    d. Copy and paste the paragraph in the document
    Support_WD365_2021_CS1-3a_Quotation.docx into the new text box.
    e. Apply the Colored Outline – Green, Accent 1 shape style to the text
    f. Apply the Offset: Center shadow from the Outer section of the Shadow
    Shape Effects gallery.
  6. On page 3, format the picture of the grocery store as follows to improve its
    a. Flip the picture vertically so that it appears with the correct orientation.
    b. Resize the picture to a width of 6″.
    c. Apply the Simple Frame, White picture style.
  7. Create a bulleted list beginning with the paragraph “Add online shopping and
    delivery services.” and ending with the paragraph ” Host events for
    contemporary consumers.” in the “Online Grocery Shopping” section to make it
    easy to read those recommendations.
  1. Format the paragraph beginning “Devon & Company found…” and ending “…inhouse farmer’s markets.” as follows to make it stand out on the page:
    a. Apply a Green, Accent 1 shading color to the paragraph.
    b. Change the font color to White, Background 1.
    c. Center the paragraph.
  2. On page 4, copy the formatting from the text “Dining” to the text “Payment
    services” to use consistent font formats in the “In-Store Experiences” section.
  3. Format the picture of the meal kit as follows to improve its layout on the page:
    a. Add a border to the picture of the meal kit using the Green, Accent 1
    border color.
    b. Position the picture so that all the body text in the “Subscription Meal Kits”
    section appears to the right of the picture and the heading “Subscription
    Meal Kits” appears above it.
    c. Change the text wrapping to Tight.
  4. Modify the Heading 2 style as follows to differentiate it from the Heading 1
    a. Apply a 14 point font size to the Heading 2 style.
    b. Change the font color to Green, Accent 1.
  5. Set a custom tab stop of 2.25″ for the five paragraphs in the list in the “Grocery
    Shopping Habits” section (beginning “Shop in stores 92%” and ending “Use a
    mobile app 6%”) to align the percentages and separate them from the text.
  6. On page 5, modify the table in the “Store Visits” section as follows to add new
    information and to coordinate with the other table in the document:
    a. Insert a new row at the end of the table.
    b. Enter 2021 in the first cell of the new row, and enter 1.5 in the second
    cell of the new row.
    c. Apply the List Table 3 – Accent 6 table style.
  7. Apply the Heading 2 style to the “Expenditures” paragraph.
  8. Apply 36 point spacing before the paragraph beginning “For more survey
    results…” to separate the paragraph from the rest of the document.
  9. At the end of the “For more survey results…” paragraph, underline the email
    address “[email protected]” to match the formatting of the web address
    at the end of the document.
  10. In the last paragraph in the document (“Devon & Company…”), replace the text “[insert square bullet]” with a filled
    square symbol (Wingdings: 110) from the Symbol gallery.
  11. In the same paragraph, remove the hyperlink from the web address
    “” because this will be a printed document.
  12. Add Outside Borders to the last three paragraphs in the document (beginning
    “For more survey results…” and ending “Devon & Company…”), and then change the border color to Dark Green, Text
    2, Darker 25% to separate the paragraphs from the rest of the document.
  1. Find all instances of the word “shops” and replace it with the word stores to
    use the correct term.
  2. Check the Spelling & Grammar in the document to identify and correct any
    spelling errors. (Hint: Ignore names and grammar suggestions.)
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