If you’re thinking about applying to college, you probably know that most universities ask for a personal essay based on one of seven prompts provided by CommonApp.org.

On February 16, 2021, CommonApp.org released the Common App Essay Prompts for the 2021-2022 admissions cycle, with one important change. Common App changes are usually limited from year to year; typically, students in each admissions cycle get the same six topics, plus one choice for their personal essay.

Keep reading to find out how the 2021-2022 Common App changes might affect your college applications, and how to make the most of the new prompt in your Common Application essay.

The New Common App Essay Prompt

This year’s prompts are listed below, with the new prompt in bold:

  • Some students believe they can apply without highlighting their unique background, identity, interests, or talents. If that sounds like you, share your story.
  • The lessons we learn from tough times can shape our future success. Describe a time when you faced a struggle, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn?
  • Recall a moment when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What sparked your thoughts? What was the outcome?
  • Reflect on something someone did for you that brought unexpected joy or gratitude. How has this gratitude influenced or motivated you?
  • Share a story about something you achieved, experienced, or learned that helped you grow as a person and understand yourself or others better.
  • Talk about a topic, idea, or concept that you find so interesting that you lose track of time when exploring it. Why does it fascinate you, and where do you go to learn more about it?
  • Write an essay on a subject you choose. It could be something you’ve already written about, a response to a different question, or a brand new piece you create.

Prompt #4 is the only prompt that has changed during the 2021-2022 admissions cycle.

The previous Common App essay prompt #4:

“Describe a problem you’ve solved or a problem you’d like to solve. It can be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma — anything of personal importance, no matter the scale. Explain its significance to you and what steps you took or could be taken to identify a solution.”

The latest Common App essay question #4 for the 2021-2022 admissions cycle:

“Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?”

Why is there a new Common App prompt?

This year’s topic is all about happiness and appreciation, which is different from last year’s theme that asked students to think about a problem or difficulty. After a tough year with challenges like the COVID-19 pandemic, this question encourages students to focus on the good things about the people in their lives.

CommonApp.org explains that prompt #4 is based on research about gratitude and kindness. It’s about the benefits of writing about how other people have positively influenced us. The organization sees this new prompt as a chance for students to bring some happiness to their application process.

Why is the new Common App essay prompt important? How can this help me and my college application?

In your Common Application profile, you’ll complete a sheet about your activities and honors, write and send in extra essays, handle letters of recommendation, and more. Knowing how to use the CommonApp is really important for getting into college, including keeping up with any changes to the essay questions.

Admissions Officers have never seen this new Common Application essay question before. If you decide to write about it, your essay can offer a fresh perspective they haven’t come across before.

This new challenge also gives you a chance to show gratitude, connect with others, and learn new things. Showing these qualities will help Admissions Officers see how you can add to their campus communities.

So, should I write on this prompt? What should I write about?

If you need help with your college application essay, especially if you’re struggling with the Common App prompts, consider working with a personal essay writer from Essay Embassy. These mentors can offer individualized support to make sure your application stands out and can assist with any Common App-related questions you might have.

At EssayEmbassy, our team of Admissions Experts understands how tough it can be to navigate the CommonApp website, especially if you’re the first in your family or friend group to apply to college.

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