You’re staring at a blank screen, trying to think of a topic for your persuasive essay. You know you need to pick something interesting, but you’re not sure where to begin.

It’s tough to get motivated when it seems like everything has already been said about the topic you’re considering. You’re wondering how you can make your essay stand out.

The good news is that is here to help.

We’ve put together a list of potential persuasive essay topics to spark your creativity. Whether you want something controversial, funny, or informative – we’ve got you covered.

Check out our list of persuasive essay topics below to get started.

Unique Persuasive Essay Topics for Students

Writing a persuasive essay can be really interesting for students. It lets them show off their research and thinking skills and put their ideas in order.

Picking the right topic is important for making writing more fun.

Here are some cool ideas you can use for your essay:

Persuasive Essay Topics for Middle School 

  • Are uniforms necessary for students in school?
  • What are the advantages of longer school days?
  • How can technology enhance student involvement and learning?
  • Is equal access to resources essential for all schools?
  • Should all schools make physical education compulsory?
  • How can schools improve students’ readiness for the job market?
  • Should test scores determine a student’s grade?
  • Is limiting screen time crucial, or should there be no restrictions?
  • Should schools increase or decrease recess time?
  • Are after-school activities beneficial for students?

Persuasive Essay Topics for Grade 6 

  • Should the prices of school lunches be reduced to make them more affordable for all students?
  • Is there a reason to allow students to use cellphones in class?
  • Should schools offer a wider range of optional subjects?
  • Is there a strong argument for making physical education classes mandatory in elementary and middle schools?
  • Should students have the choice to skip standardized tests?
  • Is the amount of homework given to elementary and middle school students too high?
  • Should schools provide free breakfast and lunch to all students, no matter their financial situation?
  • Should sixth-grade classes include more field trips and outdoor activities?
  • Should students have more access to technology in class?
  • Is there a case for making recess compulsory for all grade levels?

Persuasive Essay Topics for Grade 7

  • Are dress codes necessary in schools?
  • Should students have to complete community service to graduate?
  • Is it important for all student-athletes to take drug tests?
  • Are current gun control laws enough?
  • Should same-sex marriage be allowed?
  • Should young drivers be allowed to have passengers?
  • Is standardized testing a good way to measure student success?
  • Should schools get rid of homework?
  • Should young kids be allowed to use phones or tablets in school?
  • Are video games too violent for kids?

Persuasive Essay Topics for High School 

  • Should high schools require physical education classes?
  • Is a strict dress code vital for student success?
  • Are standardized tests a good way to measure student achievement?
  • Does social media affect teenagers positively or negatively?
  • Should students have a say in grading their teachers?
  • Should cellphones be banned in classrooms?
  • Should schools provide fast food choices like McDonald’s or Taco Bell?
  • Are competitive sports important for a balanced education?
  • Are after-school activities crucial for student growth?
  • Should students have the freedom to select their classes?

Persuasive Essay Topics for College 

  • Should universities make it mandatory for all students to take at least one class on diversity?
  • Should universities designate specific areas for free speech on their campuses?
  • Should college athletes receive payment for their performance?
  • Is it right for employers to inquire about an applicant’s criminal record during the hiring process?
  • Should college students have to enroll in a foreign language course?
  • Should the US government offer free tuition to eligible students?
  • Is it moral to involve animals in scientific experiments?
  • Are standardized tests a good way to measure academic skill and ability?
  • Should traditional paper textbooks be swapped out for e-books?
  • Should all students have to learn coding and computer science in school?

Persuasive Essay Topics for University

  • Should universities give free tuition to all students?
  • Are scholarships good for university students?
  • Should college athletes get paid for playing?
  • Is it important for universities to offer mental health support to students?
  • How can universities stop cheating and copying?
  • Should universities have online classes?
  • Are university degree rules old-fashioned?
  • Do students need physical education classes in university?
  • Does social media in schools help or hurt learning?
  • Should universities focus more on research or teaching?

Interesting Persuasive Essay Topics from Different Fields 

When you’re picking essay topics, there are plenty of fascinating persuasive essay topics from various areas to consider.

Here are a few examples of compelling persuasive essay topics from diverse fields:

Arts & Culture 

  • Should museums welcome all cultures?
  • Should the government support art programs for everyone?
  • Are comic books an important type of literature?
  • Does graffiti have value as art?
  • Is the idea of beauty old-fashioned today?
  • Is it important for everyone to visit art galleries and museums?
  • Do modern movies have artistic value?
  • Are video games a type of art?
  • Should the government fund performing arts?
  • Does the music industry focus too much on looks instead of talent?


  • Should governments promise a minimum wage?
  • Should the government support green energy projects?
  • Is it important to increase taxes on wealthy people?
  • Are free trade agreements good or bad for developing countries?
  • Can economic growth continue without hurting the environment?
  • Is immigration good or bad for a country’s economic growth?
  • Should governments control the size of banks and financial institutions?
  • Is it important for countries to regulate their currency markets?
  • Should governments fund renewable energy sources instead of fossil fuels?
  • Should high-ranking officials pay more taxes?


  • Should students have to do a set amount of community service hours to graduate?
  • Should all public schools require students to wear uniforms?
  • Are textbooks becoming outdated because of new technology?
  • Should schools put more emphasis on teaching practical subjects like coding and programming?
  • Is the grading system in public schools fair and helpful?
  • Is homeschooling a good option instead of regular school?
  • Should we get rid of standardized testing in schools?
  • Should teachers get bonuses for doing well in the classroom?
  • Do students do better if they go to private schools or universities?
  • Should all students get free college tuition?


  • Is it ethical to use animals in medical research?
  • Should parents have the right to select their child’s gender?
  • Should companies face consequences for the pollution they generate?
  • Are businesses morally bound to act ethically when operating overseas?
  • Is it right to control internet content?
  • Should the government impose tighter rules on genetically modified food?
  • Is it ethical to employ artificial intelligence in decision-making?
  • Should corporations have their own security teams?
  • Are limits on free speech needed for public safety?
  • Do companies have a duty to pay fair wages?

Government and Politics 

  • Should the government control social media?
  • Should there be term limits for members of Congress?
  • Are taxes too much in the United States?
  • Should everyone have to vote?
  • Is the Electoral College still important?
  • Does the death penalty stop crime?
  • Should the US have one health care system for everyone?
  • Should there be rules about how much money can be spent on campaigns?
  • Should the United States have a flat tax system?
  • Should we get rid of the Second Amendment?


  • Should we make marijuana legal?
  • Can parents pick their baby’s gender?
  • Is testing medicines on animals okay?
  • What’s good and bad about changing genes?
  • Is staring at screens bad for health?
  • Do we all need gym class?
  • Is healthcare good enough where you live?
  • Does eating organic food help?
  • How does feeling good or bad affect our bodies?
  • Do kids have to get shots?


  • Was it right for the Spanish Inquisition to happen?
  • Were the American Colonists right to fight against Great Britain?
  • Did Christopher Columbus’ discoveries help or hurt native people?
  • What impact did Genghis Khan have on history?
  • Did World War I make a big difference in history?
  • Was the Treaty of Versailles fair to Germany?
  • Did Napoleon Bonaparte make good or bad changes for France and Europe?
  • Should the United States have taken over the Philippines in 1898?
  • How did the Great Depression change world history?
  • Is there truth to the idea of different civilizations clashing?


  • Is it necessary to set rules for artificial intelligence?
  • Should self-driving cars be permitted on regular streets?
  • Is the internet causing us to be less sociable?
  • Should cloning studies be prohibited?
  • Are there ethical concerns about genetic manipulation?
  • Is it wise for governments to invest in space exploration?
  • Do smart home gadgets expose us to more cyber threats?
  • Should authorities control how much we use social media?
  • Are robots replacing human jobs?
  • Is nuclear power a good substitute for fossil fuels?


  • Should athletes undergo drug tests?
  • Is there a difference in sports opportunities for men and women?
  • Should college athletes receive payment for their performances?
  • Does talent or chance determine sports results?
  • Are sports events too focused on making money?
  • Is it important to invest more public money into sports events?
  • Is using drugs to improve performance in sports fairs or cheating?
  • Should college students have the freedom to pick their sports teams?
  • Do professional sports negatively impact young individuals?
  • Should parents permit children to play violent video games?


  • Should schools switch from textbooks to tablets?
  • Are algorithms taking over human decision-making at work?
  • Is it necessary to control the use of facial recognition technology?
  • Can AI and robots help make healthcare better?
  • Should self-driving cars be permitted on public roads?
  • Is Internet access a fundamental human right?
  • Should social media platforms do better to safeguard user privacy?
  • Is blockchain the future of banking and finance?
  • Do virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa invade privacy?
  • Can we rely on autonomous weapons systems to make ethical choices in war?

Social Media

Here are some social media persuasive essay topics. Take a look:

  • Is social media good or bad for society?
  • Should bosses check employees’ social media?
  • Is it okay to post anonymously online?
  • How can parents keep kids safe on social media?
  • Does fake news on social media harm society?
  • Should governments control online talk on social media?
  • Can bosses look at social media for background checks?
  • Is personal info on social media safe from companies?
  • Are folks on digital devices too much?
  • Does social media make young people lonelier?

Controversial Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Should every state bring back the death penalty?
  • Should laws about guns be tougher?
  • Is global warming a big danger?
  • Are vaccines safe for kids?
  • Should selling sex be legal?
  • Should weed be legal?
  • Do school uniforms limit personal freedom?
  • Should modified foods be sold?
  • Should schools have to teach about sex?
  • Should testing products on animals be stopped?

Fun Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Should cats attend school?
  • Should there be a rule about how many friends you need to graduate?
  • Is it fine to giggle at your own jokes?
  • Should parents take classes on how to raise kids?
  • Are video games the best way to use free time?
  • Can kids wear pajamas outside?
  • Should you pass a test before driving?
  • Are cell phones necessary for teens or should they have restrictions?
  • Should everyone know how to cook?
  • Would it be good if all schools had the same uniform?

Argumentative Persuasive Essay Topics 

  • Should we get rid of the electoral college system?
  • Is it right to eat meat?
  • Should there be rules on the internet?
  • Are genetically modified foods okay to eat?
  • Is social media helpful or harmful?
  • Should college athletes get paid?
  • Should the drinking age change?
  • Do students have to go to school?
  • Are video games too violent for kids?
  • Should public schools teach religion?

How to Choose a Good Persuasive Essay Topic? 

Choosing a topic for your persuasive essay is crucial.

The right topic will help you write an outstanding and well-crafted essay. Picking a topic for a persuasive essay might seem simple, but it can be tough.

You can’t just start writing about any topic and expect your essay to be great.

To choose the best topic for your essay, follow these steps:

  1. Know Your Interests – You can only write an effective essay if you’re passionate about the topic. Writing about something you care about helps persuade your readers.
  2. Narrow Down Ideas – Make a list of topics you’re interested in. Then, think about each one and pick the topics you think you can write about well.
  3. Pick Your Side – Now that you have enough information about a topic, decide where you stand. Choose a side to support with evidence and reasoning.
  4. Controversy Works – People enjoy reading about controversial topics. They’re more likely to read your entire essay if it sparks their curiosity.

After filtering your ideas through these steps, you’ll have a strong and debatable topic to write your essay on.

Tips for Writing a Compelling Persuasive Essay 

Whether you’re in school, college, or university, writing a convincing essay can feel tough.

But fear not! With a few simple tips, you can craft an essay that grabs attention and persuades your readers.

Here are six easy tips to help you out:

  1. Choose Your Topic Carefully

Choose a topic that’s relevant and interesting to your audience. Make sure you’re passionate about it and can explain it clearly.

  1. Research Thoroughly

Before you start writing, dive into your topic. Gather as much information as you can so you can present both sides of the argument in a fair way.

  1. Know Your Audience

Think about who’ll be reading your essay and what they’re interested in.

This will help you write in a way that speaks to them and ensures your arguments make sense to them.

  1. Use Clear Arguments

To be convincing, it’s crucial to provide clear and strong arguments. Utilize facts, numbers, and other evidence to make your points more persuasive.

  1. Organize Your Essay Well

A successful persuasive essay should be well-structured. Break it down into an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Be mindful of your essay’s organization; it can enhance the effectiveness of your arguments.

Discover how to create a solid persuasive essay outline on our blog.

  1. Keep It Interesting

An interesting, persuasive essay will grab your readers’ attention throughout. Incorporate various techniques, like examples, comparisons, and persuasive language, to make your essay captivating and enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

We hope our extensive list of topics sparks your interest. Choose one that catches your eye and begin working on it. With these helpful tips and techniques, you can create an essay that impresses your professor.

If you’re unsure how to start your essay, let us handle it. Our essay writing service assists you in presenting your argument effectively to achieve your desired outcomes.

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