Writing a personal narrative essay to share with your friends and family can be enjoyable. But many students find it hard to do.

It’s a common school task, which makes it even tougher.

Are you struggling with this too? No need to worry! We’re here to help.

This guide will take you through each step of writing your personal narrative essay. You’ll also find many examples to help you get started and avoid mistakes.

Don’t wait any longer, let’s make your narrative essay stand out!

Personal Narrative Essay Definition

What is a Personal Narrative Essay?

A personal narrative essay is like sharing a short narrative essay about yourself. It’s all about what you want to tell others about your own experiences.

You write this kind of essay by talking about yourself, using words like “I” and “me.” This way, you paint a clear picture of a specific moment.

Usually, high school students get these essays as assignments. Writing them helps students get better at being creative with words. Plus, they give a peek into a student’s personal life.

To write a personal narrative essay, you pick a main narrative essay to focus on. You also talk about the people involved in your narrative essay.

How to Start a Personal Narrative Essay?  

The personal narrative essay needs a balance between facts and feelings. When you write about an important event, you should figure out what’s crucial for your readers to know.

Just like with other kinds of writing, there are some important things to do:

  1. Pick the Right Topic

A good topic not only makes your essay better, but it also makes writing easier. Since personal narrative essays are about your own experiences and thoughts, pick something interesting to you. Also, make sure it fits who you’re writing for. Your readers decide how far and how good your essay goes.

  1. Choose a Main Idea

You can also pick a main idea for your essay. This helps you focus on what you want to say. Use your own experiences to dig into the main idea.

For example, if you choose the idea of love, you might talk about your love for your sister(s). Or, start writing and see if any ideas connect to a bigger idea. Pay attention to any ideas that keep showing up. They might be connected to a bigger topic.

  1. Write Your Main Point

The main point is really important. It tells the reader what your essay is all about. In a personal narrative essay, the main point can sum up the events quickly. Or it can share what you’ve learned from your own experiences. It can also show the main idea of the essay. For example, if you’re writing about being a refugee, your main point might focus on freedom.

  1. Plan Your Essay

Once you’ve chosen your topic, it’s time to make a plan. This is a crucial step. It helps keep your essay organized and makes it easier for the reader to understand. With a plan, you can lay out the logic of your essay.

Personal Narrative Essay Outline

If you’re a student, you know how important it is to have a plan for your essay. It helps keep everything organized.

To make a plan for a personal narrative essay, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

These are the main parts of a narrative essay, explained in more detail below.


The beginning of an essay is super important because it’s the first thing people read. It needs to be interesting to grab their attention.

Start with something attention-grabbing and give a little background about what you’re writing about. Also, say your main idea in a sentence – that’s called the thesis statement.

Finish the introduction with a sentence that connects it to the rest of your essay.

Personal Narrative Introduction Example

Body Paragraphs 

After the introduction, you write the body paragraphs. These paragraphs help you explain the main parts of your personal narrative essay.

Usually, a regular personal narrative essay has three body paragraphs. These paragraphs help you describe your essay’s main topic in every way.

In these paragraphs, you share your viewpoint with the readers. Also, you mention when and where the event happened to support your essay. Additionally, these paragraphs contain details about the characters.

Remember, each body paragraph starts with a topic sentence, which introduces the paragraph.

Another important thing to remember is the order in which you present the details. Make sure you use the order of events for this.

Personal Narrative Body Example


To conclude things up, make sure your narrative essay reaches its peak.

In this section of a personal essay, tie everything together. Summarize the whole essay.

Your ending should be strong, just like your beginning. Conclude with a sentence or idea that sticks with the reader. You can go over the main points or talk about why the experience mattered to you.

Avoid introducing new ideas here. It might confuse the reader and leave them feeling unsatisfied.

Personal Narrative Conclusion Example

How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay

A good personal narrative essay is one that’s expressive and enjoyable to read. To make yours stand out, focus on using descriptive details.

A great narrative essay doesn’t just tell a narrative. It shows exactly what happened and how you felt.

Here’s how to write your personal narrative essay:

  • Start With a Good Hook 

In any essay, starting with a hook statement can make a big difference. This is especially true for personal stories.

The essay usually begins with this sentence. You can use a famous quote, a short poem, or an intriguing fact. It grabs the reader’s interest and convinces them to read more.

  • Vivid Description

In a narrative essay, it’s really important to describe things well so people can imagine them. That’s why writers should use lots of descriptive words.

For example, if you’re writing about going to the beach, you can talk about how the sun felt on your face. Also, using strong action words and describing words will make the narrative essay more interesting for readers.

  • Use Transition Words

For any type of essay—whether it’s about an argumentative essay, descriptive essay, or telling a personal narrative essay—it’s really important to include transition sentences and words. These words help connect the different parts of your essay in a clear and logical way.

Basically, transition words act as bridges between the different sections of your writing. You can use words like ‘however,’ ‘while,’ ‘so,’ ‘also,’ and more to make your essay flow smoothly from one idea to the next.

  • Add Emotions

The goal of a personal narrative essay is to tell the reader about your emotions and experiences. Remember to share your feelings so the reader can understand them. Use descriptive words to express your emotions clearly.

  • Be Consistent

Being consistent is really important when you write an essay like a pro. Avoid getting sidetracked by things that don’t matter.

Stick to one main idea, and give details that connect to it. Keep the essay flowing smoothly by linking all the events together. This helps the reader understand how everything fits together. Write from your own perspective, using words like ‘I’ and ‘me’ since it’s your personal narrative.

Make sure you keep the same style throughout the whole essay.

  • Prove the Significance of Your Experience

You know that every event has a reason. So, tell your readers why your essay is important.

Make it clear that the narrative essay you shared matters.

Since this is a personal narrative, you don’t need to give proof to show its importance. Instead, focus on sharing a broader message.

  • Use Dialogue

Having characters talk is a great way to make your narrative essay interesting. It helps show what the characters are like and makes the essay feel real.

When you have characters talking, make sure to use the right punctuation and show who is talking.

  • Show, Don’t Tell

When you write a personal narrative essay, don’t just sum up what happened and tell the narrative essay. Instead, use details that appeal to the senses to make the reader feel like they’re experiencing the narrative essay with you.

Describe what you saw, heard, felt, tasted, and smelled to make the narrative essay vivid.

  • Reflect on the Experience

Looking back is really important when you’re writing a personal narrative essay. It’s a chance for you to think about the experience you’re writing about and what it means to you. Take some time to think about what you learned from it and how it changed you as a person.

  • Proofread

After you’ve finished writing your personal narrative essay, take some time to check it for mistakes. Read through it carefully and fix any spelling or grammar errors you find. This will help make your essay look better. You can do this by yourself or ask a friend for help.

Personal Narrative Essay Topics

Before you start writing, it’s important to choose a good topic. Here are some interesting topics you can pick for your narrative essay.

  • Memorable childhood moments
  • Fun things I do in summer break
  • First big fight with my best friend
  • First time someone broke my heart
  • Advice I’d give my younger self
  • Balancing family and work life
  • Life’s most important lesson
  • College teachers who inspired me
  • Why I like keeping a diary
  • Favorite article from the New York Times
  • Top movie pick
  • Advice for today’s youth
  • How I got over stage fright
  • Toughest decision I ever made
  • Biggest regret

Personal Narrative Essay Writing Tips

To start your personal narrative essay well, remember these key steps:

  • Choose a special memory or experience to share.
  • Arrange your essay’s sequence of events.
  • Begin with an interesting opening sentence to catch readers’ attention.
  • Use descriptive words to paint a clear picture in readers’ minds.
  • Be detailed in your descriptions.
  • Write clear sentences with good structure.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, writing a personal narrative essay can feel intimidating for many students.

That’s why we have a special service just for writing these essays. We promise to make stories that are interesting and keep your attention.

It’s made to make your writing better and more fun. Come join us now and make your writing adventure amazing!

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