• Save the file SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_FirstLastName_1.docx as SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_FirstLastName_2.docx
    • Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
    • If you do not see the .docx file extension, do not type it. The file extension will be added automatically.
  • You will need the following files:
    • Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_Data.png
    • Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_Founder.docx
    • Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_List.docx
    • Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_Table.docx
  • With the file SC_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_FirstLastName_2.docx open, ensure your first and last name is displayed in the footer.
    • If the footer does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy.


  1. As an executive assistant at Hankins Aerospace, you are drafting an annual report for the management committee to review. Begin with a personalized cover letter for shareholders.
    • Change the page orientation to Portrait.
    • Change the top and bottom margins to 0.75″.
  2. Use content placeholders to include standard information:
    • Delete the COMPANY NAME content control.
    • Use the Date content control to display JANUARY 17, 2025.
  3. Apply the Calibri Light-Constantia theme fonts.
  4. Create a new paragraph style:
    • Name the style Inside Address, based on the “INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS” paragraph.
    • Change the font color to Black, Text 1, Lighter 35%.
  5. Save the new formatting settings as a custom theme named Hankins.
  6. At the bottom of the letter, insert a hyperlink:
    • Replace the text “[insert email address]” with [email protected].
    • Format it as a hyperlink and add the ScreenTip “Hankins general email address”.
  7. Start a Mail Merge for a form letter:
    • Select Letters as the document type.
    • Customize the recipient list by deleting the JobTitle, Country, HomePhone, and WorkPhone fields, and adding a Year field.
  8. Enter the recipient information as shown below:
  9. Insert the inside address by deleting the “INSERT INSIDE ADDRESS” placeholder text, and inserting merge fields in its place as follows:
    a. On the first line, insert the Title, FirstName, and LastName fields separated by spaces.
    b. Insert the Address1 field on the second line and the Address2 field on the
    third line.
    c. On the fourth line, insert the City field followed by a comma and a space, the State field followed by a space, and then the PostalCode field.
  10. Insert the greeting line as follows:
    a. Delete the placeholder text “INSERT GREETING LINE”, and in its place type the word Dear followed by a space. Then insert the Title merge field followed by a space, and the LastName merge field immediately followed by a comma.
  11. In the last paragraph in the body of the letter, delete the “[YEAR]” placeholder text, and then in its place insert the “Year” merge field to include the year the recipient became a shareholder.
  12. To include personalized text, add an IF field as follows:
    a. At the end of the second body paragraph (“We remain committed…world around us.”), insert an If…Then…Else rule.
    b. Compare whether the City field is equal to San Diego as the condition.
    c. Insert the following sentence if the condition is true: We want to help San Diego continue to provide excellent support to businesses.
    d. Leave the false condition option blank so that Word does not insert text if the City is not San Diego.
  13. Filter the recipient list to select only recipients where the Year field is equal to 2015 to prepare the first batch of letters for the most long-term shareholders.
  14. Complete the mail merge as follows in the lettered steps below. You will merge to a new document and then copy a page of the merged file to your original document, so that all of your assignment appears in the same file.
    a. Finish and merge the document, and select Edit Individual Documents.
    b. In the new document containing the merged form letters, copy the contents of page 1, beginning with the blank paragraph at the top of the page and ending with the paragraph “enc.”
    c. In the original form letter document, move the insertion point to the blank paragraph at the top of page 2, and then paste the merged form letter into the main document.
    d. Verify that the pasted merged form letter appears only on page 2 of the original form letter document. Verify that the form letter (including the rectangular picture) begins on page 3. If necessary, insert a page break.
    e. Close the new, merged document without saving it.
  15. On page 3, crop the yellow rectangle from the picture at the top of the page.
  16. Expand the character spacing of the heading paragraph “Strategic Growth and Advanced Technology” by 1.2 point to call attention to the heading.
  17. . Format text in columns as follows:
  18. a. Insert a Continuous section break at the beginning of the first body paragraph on page 3 (“The market strategy…than ever before.”) to prepare for setting the section text into columns.
  19. b. On page 4, insert a Continuous section break in the blank paragraph above the picture to mark the end of the section.
  20. c. Format the new section beginning “The market strategy…” and ending “… retailers every day.” into two columns.
  21. d. Insert a line between the columns.
  22. Add a drop cap as follows to include a professional typeface element:
    a. Format the first letter in the column text (the “T” in “The”) as a Dropped drop cap.
    b. Change the font color of the drop cap to Dark Red, Accent 1, Darker
    25% (second from the bottom, fifth from the left in the Theme Colors palette.)
  23. Format the bulleted list in column 2 as follows to make the list more logical and attractive:
    a. Demote the two bulleted items after the “Landing Gear” item (“Axle
    beams” and “Main cylinders”) by one level.
    b. Change the color of the bullets for the five first-level bulleted items
    (“Structural”, “Landing Gear”, “Engine”, “Interior”, and “Systems Control”) to Dark Red, Accent 1 (first row, fifth from left in the Theme Colors
  24. Call attention to a quotation from the company founder by inserting a text box as follows:
    a. Move the insertion point to the blank paragraph following the bulleted list and draw a text box.
    b. Copy and paste the text from the file Support_WD365_2021_CS4-
    7a_Mac_Founder.docx into the text box.
    c. Resize the text box to a height of 1.2″ and a width of 2.9″.
    d. Set the text box to an absolute horizontal position of 3.5″ to the right of the Margin, and an absolute vertical position of 6.1″ below the Margin to position it on the page. Set the text wrapping of the text box to Top and Bottom.
    e. Format the text box using the Colored Fill – Dark Red, Accent 1 shape style and format the text using White, Background 1 (first row, first on the left of the Theme Colors palette).
  25. On page 4, change the design and format of the first “Financial Highlights” table as follows to make the table more attractive and easier to interpret:
    a. Split the cell containing the text “2021 2020” into 2 columns and 1 row.
  26. b. Merge cells A2 through A8 (the cell containing the text “Dollar amounts in millions” and the six cells below it).
  27. c. Shade row 1 (the header row) using Brown, Accent 2.
  28. d. Set the top and bottom cell margins to 0.02 for all cells in the table.
  29. e. Change the direction of the “Dollar amounts in millions” text so that it reads from bottom to top.
  30. f. Change the width of the merged cell to 0.5″.
  31. Insert and format a table in the “Net Sales (Millions) – Past Five Years” section as follows:
    a. Sort the seven paragraphs in the “Net Sales (Millions) – Past Five Years” section in ascending order.
    b. Convert the seven paragraphs into a table using tabs to separate the columns and auto column width.
    c. If necessary, move row 7 in the table so that it becomes row 1 and provides headings for each column in the table.
    d. Apply the Grid Table 2 – Accent 2 table style and shade the header row using Brown, Accent 2 to match the formatting of the “Financial Highlights” table.
    e. Change the height of all rows to 0.25″. Change the width of column B to 1.65″.
    f. Insert a new row at the end of the table and type Total in the first cell of the new row.
    g. In the second cell of the new row, insert a formula that sums the values above the cell.
  32. In the “Capital Allocation” section, insert a table of capital allocations as follows that Hankins Aerospace uses in many documents:
    a. Open the file Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_Table.docx and select the table. In the system bar at the top of the screen, click Insert, hover over Autotext in the dropdown menu, and click New… in the menu that appears to the right. Update the name to Cap and click OK.
    b. Switch to the original document. Delete the paragraph “[insert table here]”, and in its place insert the Cap Autotext entry by clicking Insert at the system bar at the top of the screen, hovering over Autotext, and clicking Autotext in the menu that appears to the right. In the dialog box, select Cap, then click Insert.
    c. Close Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_Table.docx.
  33. In the “Notable Numbers” section, insert a bulleted list as follows to include statistics in the report:
    a. Copy the bulleted list in the file Support_WD365_2021_CS4-
    b. Select the paragraph “[insert list here]” and then paste the bulleted list in the report.
  34. On page 5, complete and modify the SmartArt as follows to make it more useful:
  35. a. Change the text wrapping of the SmartArt to Top and Bottom.
  36. b. Change the layout to Captioned Pictures to emphasize the pictures.
  37. c. Change the width of the SmartArt to 6″ to increase its size.
  38. d. Insert the picture Support_WD365_2021_CS4-7a_Mac_Data.png in the
  39. picture placeholder for the “Analyze data” shape.
  40. Format the shaded paragraph at the end of the document as follows to set it
    apart from the rest of the document:
    a. Change the indentation of the paragraph to a 0.5″ Left Indent and a 0.5″
    Right Indent.
    b. Format the bold text “Hankins Aerospace, Inc.” in Small caps to
    distinguish it from the other text in the paragraph. At the bottom of the page, rotate the Hankins Aerospace logo to the right so
    that the “H” is oriented correctly.
  41. Insert a watermark with the text CONFIDENTIAL, a diagonal orientation, and
    the default font color and size.
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