 Save the file SC_EX365_2021_EOM5-2_FirstLastName_1.xlsx as
 Edit the file name by changing “1” to “2”.
 If you do not see the .xlsx file extension, do not type it. The file extension will
be added for you automatically.
 To complete this Project, you will also need the following files:
 Support_EX365_2021_EOM5-2_Posts.csv
 With the file SC_EX365_2021_EOM5-2_FirstLastName_2.xlsx open, ensure
that your first and last name is displayed in cell B6 of the Documentation
 If cell B6 does not display your name, delete the file and download a new copy.


  1. Malai Wattana is the director of social media for Orange Tree Labs, a software
    company in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Malai and her colleagues post content
    on the Orange Tree website and on social media sites to promote the company
    and its products. She asks for your help in analyzing the user response to this
    content. She also needs to complete a schedule for launching a website for a
    new product.
    Go to the Overview worksheet. In the range B5:B9, Malai wants to consolidate
    data that summarizes user responses to the Orange Tree website. In cell B5,
    insert a formula that references cell B17 on the Website worksheet to insert the
    total number of page views on the website during the last 12 weeks. Insert
    similar formulas in the range B6:B9 to insert the totals for likes, comments,
    shares, and follows on the website during the last 12 weeks.
  2. The doughnut chart in the range H4:K12 compares the totals of each type of
    user response. Resize the chart proportionally to a width of 5″ to make the chart
    easier to interpret. Position the chart so that the upper-left corner is in cell H4
    and the lower-right corner is in cell M22.
  3. Malai has formatted cell A3 to indicate that it contains a table title. Create a
    new cell style named Table Title based on the formats in cell A3. Apply the
    new Table Title style to cells A12 and A18.
  4. In the range A13:E16, Malai wants to include data about the types of posts the
    company makes on their website and social media webpages. This data is
    stored in a text file. Import the CSV file Support_EX365_2021_EOM5-
    2_Posts.csv as a table starting in cell A13 of the existing worksheet. [Mac Hint:
    Use column delimation while importing the .csv file.]
  1. Apply the Orange, Table Style Light 11 style to the table to use a format similar
    to the other data ranges on the worksheet. Clear the formats from the header
    row and the range A14:A16. Resize columns B:E to a width of 11.88 characters.
  2. In the range A19:F32, Malai wants to summarize the weekly engagement data
    for the Orange Tree Labs website, Facebook, and Twitter interactions.
    In cell B20, enter a formula using the SUM function and a 3D reference to total
    the number of page views in Week 1 (cell B5) for the website, Facebook, and
    Twitter. Fill the range B21:B31 with the formula in cell B20 to consolidate the
    total page view data for the remaining weeks. Fill the range C20:F31 with the
    formulas in the range B20:B31 to consolidate the data for likes, comments,
    shares, and follows.
  3. Go to the Website worksheet. Use the text in the range A5:A6 to fill the range
    A7:A16 with the week numbers.
  4. Malai has set a goal of 400 page views per week on the Orange Tree Labs
    website. In the range B21:E21, project the page views per week by filling the
    series with a linear trend. She also wants to increase follows by 10 percent
    every four weeks. In the range B23:E23, project the follows based on a growth
    series using 1.10 as the step value.
  5. Go to the Schedule worksheet, which contains the beginnings of a schedule for
    developing the new website. In cell B3, enter a formula using the DATE function
    to enter April 3, 2023 as the date.
  6. For milestones 2–10, the dates are five days after the previous start date. To
    exclude weekends for those days, enter a formula in cell C7 using the
    WORKDAY function that adds five days to the date in cell C6. Fill the range
    C8:C15 with the formula in cell C7 to complete the schedule.
  7. Move the Website Project Timeline chart to the Overview worksheet. Position the
    chart so its upper-left corner is in cell H23 and its lower-right corner is in cell
    M36 on the Overview worksheet. Change the number format of the horizontal
    axis values in the Website Project Timeline chart to display dates with an
    abbreviated month name, a hyphen, and the year abbreviated, as in Mar-23.
  8. Return to the Schedule worksheet to prepare it for printing. Set top and bottom
    margins of 1″, and then center the worksheet vertically on the page. Insert a
    footer that displays the Sheet Name in the center section.
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