
EssayEmbassy blog - essay writing guides and tips

Need help with your essay? Our experienced writers at EssayEmbassy offer guidance and tips to improve your paper and boost your grades. We’re here to assist you!

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Overview of Chapter 7 Data Files in Excel

Question ❓ I have a few data files related to Chapter 7 of my Excel course. The files are as follows: I need assistance with the following tasks: Could you provide...

Building Extracurriculars to Your College Applications

Planning extracurricular activities in college can be tricky, especially if you have a particular career in mind. But contrary to what you might think, your...

How to Stand Out with Extracurriculars in College Applications

Getting into college can be tough. During high school, students work hard to make their resumes look good with activities outside of classes, hoping to get into good...

The Ideal Timeline For College Applications

If you, like most college applicants, aren’t ready to apply early or aren’t set on one college yet, don’t worry! Just follow our basic timeline for...

Is Attending an Ivy League Worthwhile?

Should you go to an Ivy League school? Absolutely! An Ivy League diploma is still considered the best in American higher education. But saying that places like Harvard...

Deferred vs. Waitlisted for College Admissions

When students find out if they got into college, they might not get a definite yes or no. Instead, they could be put on hold or told they’re on a waiting list...

30+ Colleges That Don’t Require Supplemental Essays

Essays play a big role in getting into top colleges. Many students stress out the most about writing them when applying. So, when applying to lots of schools, some...

Popular Essay Topics for College Students 2024 Update

College essay topics vary widely, just like the universities that request them. During the admissions process, students encounter different types of essays, such as the...

Guide to the 2023-24 Coalition Application Essay Prompts

More than 100 schools across the United States use the Coalition for College Access Application and its Coalition essay prompts. This application platform is growing...

9 College Essay Tips on How to Write Better Essays

Do you want to get better at writing essays? We’re here to help. In this article, we’ve gathered some great tips from our expert team who’ve helped lots...