Every year, the Common Application organization shares the prompts for Common App essays. These essays, often called the “personal statement,” are really important for college admissions. Students get to pick from seven different essay themes to show colleges who they are.

New Common App Prompts for 2023-2024

Every year, the Common App revises its essay prompts. But for the past few years, they haven’t come up with any new ones.

So, for the upcoming admissions session, don’t expect any fresh Common App prompts. Instead, they’re sticking with the same essay prompts used in the 2022-23 admission cycle.

Generally, the essay prompts for the Common Application don’t change much over time. In fact, the ones used in 2021 are still being used today. The last update was for the 2021 prompts, which added one about gratitude.

Since they rarely introduce new prompts, students might want to start brainstorming using prompts from previous years.

Here are the seven Common App prompts from this year:

7 Common App Prompts

  • Do you think your college application is good enough without showing what makes you unique? If that sounds like you, then I want to hear your story.
  • Tough times can teach us valuable lessons for the future. Tell me about a time when you faced a tough situation or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from it?
  • Have you ever doubted or questioned something you believed in? What made you start thinking differently, and what happened as a result?
  • Think about a time when someone did something unexpectedly kind for you. How did it make you feel, and did it inspire you in any way?
  • Share a moment when you grew as a person and learned more about yourself or others.
  • What’s something that you find so fascinating that you can’t stop thinking about it? Why does it capture your interest, and where do you go to learn more about it?
  • Write an essay on any topic you like. It could be something you’ve already written, a response to another question, or a completely new idea you’ve come up with.

Later in this guide, we’ll explore Common App essay prompts in more detail and offer additional tips for your essay. We’ll also share some ideas for your essay and show you where to find successful examples. But first, let’s go over the basics of the Common App essays.

What is the Common App essay?

As you begin applying to colleges, you’ll likely hear about Common App essays, which are basically personal statements. Although you’ll write other essays for specific schools, these Common App essays are what most people talk about.

But what exactly are Common Application essays?

The Common App is a system that helps simplify the college application process. According to Forbes, there’s been a 20% increase in students using the Common App since 2019.

The Common App makes it easier to apply to college. It’s accepted by over 1,000 schools, including Ivies like Yale and Dartmouth, as well as public universities like Penn State. Once you sign up, you can enter your personal info for each school all in one place. This means you can keep track of deadlines, requirements, letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities, and achievements without any hassle.

Coalition Application vs. Common Application

The Common Application is just one type of college application. Another popular option is the Coalition Application, which is accepted by 90 member institutions. With the Coalition Application, you can gather all your application information in one place. Many of the tips in this guide for Common App essays also work for the Coalition Application essay.

The Common App essay

The Common App needs info about your activities, grades, and personal stuff. Your essay for the Common App is super important. You’ll also use it for extra essays to specific colleges.

Your Common App essay, also called the personal statement, goes to all colleges that use the Common App. It answers one of their prompts by showing what makes you special. Your essay can’t be longer than 650 words.

Since you send this essay to lots of schools, it needs to be really good. In this post, we’ll give you tips to make your personal statement stand out. We’ll also talk about what’s expected and brainstorm some topics.

How many Common App essays are required?

There are seven Common Application essay prompts. So, how many Common Application essays are required?

You only need to write one Common Application essay. This means you just have to respond to one of the Common App’s prompts.

As you start writing, take a look at the Common App essay prompts and pick the one you like best. Think about ideas for different prompts or talk about them with someone you trust, like a parent, friend, or advisor.

Students only have to choose one Common App essay prompt for their essays. So, you only have to write one essay that meets the Common App’s word limit.

Supplemental essays and the Common Application

Many schools ask students to write extra essays. These essays are usually shorter, around 200 to 400 words, unlike the longer Common App essay, which can be up to 650 words. You’ll send these essays through the Common App, but we don’t usually call them “Common Application essays.”

How long should the Common App essay be?

The Common App essay has a limit of 650 words, but you need at least 250 words. 

When you’re thinking of what to write about, make sure your story fits within this word limit. Once you’ve logged into your Common App account, you can check the essay requirements, including the word limit.

It’s a good idea to aim for the higher end of the word limit. Admissions officers really care about Common Application essays, so your personal statement should give them a good sense of who you are and what you value.

Making the most of the Common App essay word limit

Writing Common App essays can feel daunting, especially with the word limit. Start early to make the most of this limit. This gives you plenty of time to refine your personal statement, ensuring each word counts.

Avoid trying to fit your entire life into the Common App’s limits. Instead, focus on a meaningful story that reflects who you are. Then, expand on it to discuss broader themes like your goals for the future.

What makes a great college essay?

Now that you know the basic format for Common App essays, maybe you’ve even signed up for your Common App account and started brainstorming ideas. What’s next? You might be wondering how to write the best Common App essay.

Most good college essays and personal statements include similar features: 

  • An engaging hook 
  • Clear, well-crafted prose
  • Flawless grammar and syntax
  • Strong structural components
  • A strong story that highlights a key part of the writer’s identity

Although none of these suggestions are strict requirements for a Common App essay, your personal statement should meet these standards.

Getting personal

Good college essays also require self-reflection. The best college entrance essays will highlight something unique about the author. To share an engaging story about themselves, writers often reflect on their upbringing, identity, and beliefs. The best Common App essay ideas come from personal experiences, not just generic advice blogs.

If you’re struggling to come up with Common App essay topics, try brainstorming without focusing on specific prompts. The Common Application essay is crucial because it reveals aspects of your personality beyond just your GPA or test scores.

In the next sections, we’ll discuss the prompts for Common App essays and offer tips for each one. We’ll cover how to approach the essays, including advice on structure, tone, and topic selection. Additionally, we’ll explore some Common App essay ideas and requirements.

Common App Essay #1: Share your background

Do you feel like your application is missing something special about your background, identity, interests, or talents? If that’s the case, we want to hear your story.

The first Common App essay asks you to describe something meaningful about your background. Here is the first of the Common Application prompts:

All Common App essays will allow for some degree of modification. There is no limit to the topics that can be addressed in essays as long as they adhere to the Common App essay prompts and keep below the word limit. In fact, when you study Common App essay examples, you will notice a lot of variance.

The first of the Common App essay prompts is very open for interpretation. For some students, this may be exciting. Others, however, may find the first Common App essay prompt daunting. So, if you want to ask a more direct inquiry, one of the other prompts may be more appropriate.

How to approach this prompt

If you have something important about yourself, like your background, identity, hobby, or talent, here’s where you can talk about it!

Just like with all Common App essay prompts, there’s no right answer. For example, you might have grown up Orthodox Jewish. Or maybe you’re a person of color who went to a mostly white school. Or perhaps you’ve been playing the oboe since you were four and even put out an oboe EP on Soundcloud. Whatever it is that makes your application incomplete without it, feel free to share!

When you’re writing your Common App essays, think about what other topics you could write about in extra essays. Try not to repeat the same experience twice—remember, there’s only so much space on your college application. So, pick a topic for your main Common App essay that’s detailed enough to fill the word limit and doesn’t already fit in another section of your application.

Common App Essay #2: Navigating a challenge

Facing tough times teaches us important lessons for the future. Can you remember a time when things didn’t go as planned? Think about how it made you feel and what you learned from it.

Looking at more prompts for Common App essays, the second one is about how you handled a tough situation.

Compared to the others, this question is more specific. Have you faced a problem, setback, or failure that taught you something important? If you can’t think of anything for this question right away, you can always consider one of the other Common App challenges instead.

Common App essay topics for this prompt

Compared to other essay topics on the Common App, this one tends to get a lot of similar responses. Many students write about things like losing a game, not getting a part in a play, or not winning a specific award.

If you decide to write about a challenge like this, try to give it a fresh spin. Since lots of other students might write about the same thing, it’s important to think about other topics too. Make sure your essay shows something special about how you handle problems.

The next Common App essay prompt looks at seeing things from a different angle. Keep reading to find out how to tackle these Common Application essay prompts.

Common App essay topics for this prompt

Compared to other Common App essay topics, this one tends to get a lot of the same old answers. Many students talk about familiar problems like losing in sports, not getting a specific part in a play, or missing out on a prize.

If you pick a challenge like this, make sure your essay offers a fresh take. Lots of other students will probably write about this topic too, since they’ve faced similar setbacks. So, when you’re looking at all the Common App essay options, think about the important stuff colleges want to know. Make sure your essay shows them something unique about how you deal with problems.

The next Common App essay prompt asks about a change in perspective. Keep reading to learn how to tackle these essay topics.

Common App Essay #3: Questioning an idea

Have you ever doubted or questioned something you once believed in? What made you start thinking differently? And what happened because of it?

Have you noticed any big changes in your outlook lately? Have you had deep chats with your parents or teachers about ideas you don’t see eye to eye on? If yes, then the third option for your Common App essays could be a good fit for you.

The third Common App essay prompt says:

The best Common App essays often talk about personal growth. These essays might explore how your perspective has shifted after learning something new or embracing different ideas and beliefs. Basically, colleges want to accept students who are curious and thoughtful. So, telling a story about your own growth can show that you’re just that.

Choosing the right idea

Answering this question doesn’t need political activism or overthinking. Maybe your family loves sports and signed you up for soccer, but you ended up loving art classes. Questioning expectations can help you discuss your values.

To sum up, exploring a change in perspective is important in any Common App essay. You can talk about your journey in any Common App essay prompt.

Common App Essay #4: The gratitude essay

Think about a time when someone did something unexpected that made you really happy or thankful. How did this gratitude affect you and push you forward?

Another option students might choose for their Common App essays is the gratitude essay:

This was one of the new essay prompts introduced for the Common Application. It was initially included among the essay prompts for 2021.

This topic is quite open-ended, much like several other prompts on the Common App. It gives you the opportunity to reflect on the positive aspects of your life. Through this prompt, you can showcase introspection and humility.

This essay replaced a prompt that asked about a problem you wished to solve in the 2021 Common App essay prompts. The inclusion of this prompt in the 2021 Common App essay prompts aimed to “bring some joy into [each student’s] application experience.”

A word of caution

Choosing the gratitude essay on the Common App has its benefits, but there’s a downside to consider. This prompt might lead you to focus too much on other people. Remember, standout college essays highlight what makes you unique and your personal journey.

Even if you’re talking about someone close who’s had a big impact on you, make sure the main focus is on you. Look at the second part of the prompt: How has your gratitude shaped your outlook or motivated you?

It’s important to understand that Common App essays are your chance to share something important about yourself. That’s why they’re often called personal statements—it’s your story that matters most!

Common App Essay Prompt #5: A moment of personal growth

One experience that led to personal growth and a deeper understanding of myself and others was when I volunteered at a local homeless shelter.

Just like the second Common App challenge, this question is all about personal growth or change.

The sixth Common App prompt asks about a significant moment in your life: a time when you wanted to learn and see things from a different perspective. Like the others, it’s about looking back and thinking. One important thing to remember from these Common App essay guidelines is that it’s good to think about yourself.

Unlike the other Common App questions, this one lets you talk about something that hasn’t been mentioned anywhere else in your application. Your answer here can be broader than just one activity or award. So, it’s a great chance to tell the admissions committee something they haven’t heard before.

Next, let’s talk about the last two Common App prompts and give some more tips for writing your essay.

Common App Essay Prompt #6: What captivates you?

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

The sixth question on the Common App is pretty open-ended. You can write about almost anything, like what you want to study in college or even your favorite TV show episode.

This question is all about what you’re into. It’s not just about school stuff, though. But a good essay will show something about who you are based on what you like.

You can really dive deep into any interest you have, whether it’s big or small, smart or fun. The best essays for college applications will reveal something special about you that isn’t already in the rest of your application. Where else can you talk about your dream of making the most complicated Rube Goldberg machine?

Common App Essay #7: A topic of your choice

Share an essay on any topic of your choosing. It might be one you’ve already written, one in response to a different prompt, or one of your own creation.

We’ve reached the final Common App prompt: a topic of your choice.

Remember, this is still a personal statement. It should reflect how you navigate the world in your own way.

You might think about submitting your top English class essay on the early feminist novel The Awakening. But, hold on. Before you do that, take a moment to explore how old ideas about being a woman affect your interactions with your family today. The most important thing to remember about this Common App essay is that it should be all about you.

So, if you feel this Common App prompt fits you, make sure you’ve looked at all the other personal statement prompts first. Don’t see this question as a way to avoid talking about yourself. Instead, use it to show a side of yourself that the previous questions haven’t touched on. The Common App essay prompts are meant to make you think about your life. In other words, don’t ignore them just because you don’t have an immediate answer.

Keeping the personal in personal statement

Is this essay a “personal statement?” Does it tell the admissions committee anything about me that they don’t already know? Does it reveal something unique or dynamic about my identity, background, values, or point of view?

Now that we’ve covered all of the Common App prompts, let’s look at how to write a great college essay. We’ll discuss several ideas for Common App essays and ways to brainstorm to help you start writing. We will also cover more tips for Common App essays, what’s required, and other things you need for college applications. Finally, we’ll suggest additional resources, like examples of Common App essays, to help you with your Common Application.

How to Write a Great College Essay

We reviewed all the Common App essay prompts and what’s needed for the essays. Now, let’s check out some tips for writing a good Common App essay. These tips can also help with your Coalition App essay and other college application essays.

Every good Common Application essay starts with a clear plan. Remember, there aren’t any new Common App essay prompts this year; they’re the same as last year’s. So instead of waiting for new prompts, start thinking about college essay topics now. The sooner you start working on your Common App essay, the better it’ll be.

We’ve laid out our recommended process for helping you write the best college admissions essays possible. Follow this guide to write engaging Common App essays:


Looking for good college essay ideas? Start with a free-write. Choose one of the Common App essay topics that interests you. Then, set a timer for ten minutes and start writing.

It won’t be perfect, and that’s fine. The goal isn’t to create your final essay, but to practice writing. Don’t stop, don’t edit, just write. Focus on expressing your experiences naturally. Right now, just get your thoughts down without worrying about quality or word limits.

Afterward, read what you wrote. What stands out to you? Is there anything you want to explore further in a draft?

Determining a College Essay Topic: Reflection Exercises to Try

If you’re finding it hard to start writing, try using one of the Common App essay topics as a starting point. For example, if you’re looking at the second Common App essay about overcoming challenges, think about tough times you’ve faced.

Get a piece of paper, set a timer, and write down any big problems you’ve had in your life. Think about how these tough times have changed you or helped you grow. Don’t worry about making your writing perfect right now; just focus on coming up with ideas for your college essays.

When the timer goes off, look back at your list. See if any of the challenges you’ve written down could make good essay topics for your Common App or other college essays. This brainstorming trick can help you think of ideas and get started on your writing.


Once you’ve picked a topic, it’s time to sketch out your ideas.

Great Common App essays usually start with an interesting beginning that grabs the reader’s attention. Sharing personal stories can work really well here. One good way to approach Common App essays is to start with a personal story and then link it to your personality or character. You can then come back to this story at the end.

In your outline, combine your story with why it’s important to you—why it says something meaningful about who you are. It doesn’t matter how good you are at writing if your personal statement doesn’t feel personal.

When outlining, keep it as simple or detailed as you like. The main goal is to help you when you start writing; there’s no need for a fancy outline if it won’t help you in the end. You can use this method for your school-specific essays too.

Write a draft

Don’t worry about writing your Common App essay in order. If you’re stuck on the first line but have a clear idea for an anecdote, go ahead and tackle that part first. You can always come back later to fill in any missing pieces.

Keep in mind the 650-word limit for the Common App essay. While it gives you more room than other essays, it’s still relatively short, so make every word count.

Taking breaks between writing sessions can be beneficial. It gives you time to gain fresh perspective, which is crucial for crafting a standout essay in the competitive college application process.

Whenever you revisit your Common App essay, review what you’ve already written. Does it flow well and make sense? Most importantly, does it effectively convey your identity through clear language and engaging storytelling? If it does, then you’re on the right track.

Revise, revise, revise

Once you’re done with your draft for the Common App essay, take a break for a day or two. Then, come back to it and start revising.

Yes, check for grammar, sentence structure, and spelling mistakes. But to really make it shine, you’ll need to dig deeper. Look closely at each sentence in your Common Application essay. Does it connect to the main idea of your personal statement? And watch out for any awkward or repetitive phrasing – every word matters in the Common App essay.

When you’re revising, pay special attention to the beginning and end of your Common App essay. Remember, your essay’s introduction is the first impression for Admissions Officers.

Also, as you make changes, keep those Common App essay prompts in mind. Even though they might seem separate from school-specific supplements, make sure you cover them thoroughly. And don’t forget the Common App essay requirements – you’ve got to answer the prompt.

Lastly, make sure your essay truly reflects who you are. Keep it real. Don’t get caught up in fancy language that doesn’t serve your purpose, especially with that Common App essay word limit hanging over you.

Get a second pair of eyes

After revising your Common App essay, it’s important to ask someone you trust to read it over. This could be a teacher, parent, counselor, or advisor.

Having a second reader is helpful because they often notice things you might miss. They can help you find any unclear parts, fix any mistakes, and make sure your story is told clearly. Plus, their feedback can also help you meet the Common App essay word count.

Just remember, while it’s okay to get help from others, your Common Application essay should always be your own work. So while it’s fine to get advice, nobody else should write the essay for you.

Finalize and submit!

After getting feedback, give your essay one last polish. Ask yourself: if someone read this, would they want to meet you? 

When you’re ready, share your essay and Common App login details. If you’re not sure about your login, check out the Common App YouTube channel for tips. Remember, there are no new Common App prompts this year, so start brainstorming early. Also, consider using topics you’ve discarded for your main essay in supplemental essays.

What are some good college essay topics?

There are lots of great ideas for college essays. You only get to submit a few Common App essays, so it’s important to pick a topic that really matters to you.

Here are some tips to help you choose a topic for your Common Application essay:

Common App Essay Tips

1. Discuss a challenge that you overcame. 

Perhaps you discovered a passion for poetry despite struggling with dyslexia. Maybe you conquered your fear of public speaking by giving a speech about something you deeply care about. What really matters isn’t the challenge itself, but what it means to you.

When discussing a difficulty, remember a few things. Firstly, choose a struggle that’s important to you—it should reflect a significant part of who you are and how you’ve grown. Lastly, effective Common App essays show how you overcame the obstacle.

2. Write about an experience that broadens your perspective.  

Common App essays can also focus on important experiences. For example, your first meeting with relatives in India might have helped you learn more about your family background. Or maybe a year of volunteering in a children’s hospital taught you how to stay positive even in tough times. There are lots of experiences to choose from; just think about which ones have made you who you are today.

If you write about something that happened outside of yourself, remember that Common App essays should always be about your own growth. So if you’re talking about volunteering in a clinic, try not to spend too much time talking about the patients. Instead, focus on how the experience changed you.

3. Highlight a key feature of your identity or upbringing. 

A great Common App essay shares something new about you with the admissions team. Rather than repeating a passion you’ve already mentioned, focus on your personal identity.

Your identity could include things like your background, culture, nationality, gender, or beliefs. Choose something important to you and write about it honestly and passionately. To make your Common App essay more interesting, start with a story about your chosen topic.

Students can write great Common Application essays on many different college essay topics. No matter which Common App prompt you choose, picking a meaningful topic can help you create a strong personal statement. There are lots of ways to write good Common App essays. The key is to be genuine and tell your story while sticking to the Common App essay word limit.

What should you not write in a college essay?

As you think about the Common App prompts, you might be curious about what bad Common App essays are like. Let’s explore some Common App essay tips on what to avoid.

Most important, your Common App essays should showcase you in a positive light. Therefore, steer clear of using foul language or talking about illegal activities. Naturally, stay away from anything that might offend a reader. These topics are not suitable for Common App essays.

Avoiding the overly personal

When thinking about what to write for your Common App essay, remember to keep it personal but not too intense. Avoid going into deep discussions about difficult events or mental health struggles, as poorly written essays on these topics could hurt your chances. Your essay should show that you can handle challenges, especially since top colleges can be demanding.

In simple terms, if you wouldn’t talk about it at dinner with your family, it might not be the best choice for your Common App essay. Your essay should feel personal but not make you uncomfortable. Keep this in mind as you look at the Common App questions.

Also, stay away from writing about high school drama. While changes in friendships and relationships can affect you, they might not interest admissions committees. Instead, focus on topics that show what makes you unique.

Highlight your strengths

Ensure your essay highlights why you’d be a great fit for any college. Show how you’ve grown positively. Avoid talking about learning not to rely on others. Instead, use the Common App essay prompts to show how you’ll add value to the university.

Stay away from overused topics like the “sports injury essay.” If you do write about them, give them a fresh twist. Admissions officers read tons of Common App essays, so make yours stand out. Pick a Common App prompt that lets you do that.

Check out Common App essay examples for more help understanding what’s expected.

Common Application Essay Timeline

Starting to think about your Common App essay sooner rather than later is important for an easier process later on. However, it’s not necessary to start brainstorming and drafting your essays in your sophomore year. As you progress through high school, you’ll grow and come up with plenty of great essay ideas along the way.

Here’s a suggested timeline for tackling your Common App essay:

Follow this schedule to plan out your writing journey, from picking a Common App prompt to hitting “Submit.” Typically, you’ll create your Common App account in August of your senior year, when you’re applying to colleges. But you can get a head start by brainstorming and drafting responses to the essay prompts early. This way, you’ll have plenty of time to craft top-notch admissions essays.

Final Thoughts

Most universities accept the Common Application, so your Common App essay is super important for your college application.

You only need to write one Common Application essay, so it’s crucial to show yourself in the best way possible. Your college admissions essays can really sway how your application is reviewed.

We hope this guide has given you the tools to write a great Common App essay that will impress colleges. For personalized help, sign up with essayembassy.com. You’ll be paired with an Admissions Expert who will help you every step of the way, from picking colleges to perfecting your essay.

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