Are you a student looking for ideas for your next compare and contrast essay? You’re in the right place!

We’ve gathered over 200 interesting compare and contrast essay topics in this blog to help you start your essay.

Essay writing is a key part of your studies, and we know how important it is to pick a good topic. Whether you’re into literature, science, history, or technology, we have topics for you!

So let’s get started!

What is a Compare and Contrast Essay?

A compare and contrast essay is a multi-paragraph essay. It explains how two or more subjects are different or alike. In this type of essay, ‘compare’ means finding similarities, and ‘contrast’ means finding differences.

Comparison shows what they share. When a writer contrasts two things, they show how they are not the same.

A good compare and contrast essay can be on almost any topic and can appear in many subject areas. But, to decide what to include in the essay, a writer should remember one thing: relevance.

Relevance helps decide which features are worth comparing and contrasting.

Read this blog to learn how to outline a compare and contrast essay!

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Students

Here is a list of topics to help you choose the best idea for your essay.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for University Students

  • Sciences or Arts: which has more value in the job market?
  • Difference between Essays and research papers.
  • Pros and cons of homeschooling
  • The good and bad of living in a city versus living in the country.
  • The differences and similarities between two famous people from history.
  • How love and relationships are shown in old books versus modern books.
  • The effects of using public transportation versus owning a car.
  • The similarities and differences between two major world religions.
  • Boarding schools vs. day schools.
  • Hostels vs. renting.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for College Students

  • European History and US history.
  • Stone Age and New Stone Age periods.
  • World War I and II
  • Economic growth of America and China.
  • Two people who shaped England’s history.
  • Watching horror movies on TV vs. on the big cinema screen.
  • New brand clothes vs. second-hand clothes.
  • Diets vs. pills for weight loss.
  • Two works of Oscar Wilde.
  • Romeo and Juliet vs. Macbeth by Shakespeare.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for High School Students

  • Sports or diets.
  • Audiobooks or paper books.
  • Fashion now and 20 years ago.
  • Silver vs. gold.
  • Chocolate vs. jelly candies.
  • Autumn vs. spring.
  • Love vs. friendship.
  • Smart cars vs. sports bikes.
  • Instagram vs. printed photos.
  • Texting vs. talking face-to-face.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Middle School Students

  • Celebrating Christmas in Europe and the US
  • Role models for adults & teenagers
  • Long trips by car or train
  • Whether novels or poems are more fun to read
  • Benefits of traditional and remote learning
  • Paintings of Alberto Morocco & Pablo Picasso
  • Settings, major themes, & plot details of two poems by Robert Frost
  • Statues of David by Michelangelo & Bernini
  • Music of Baroque & Renaissance
  • Greek & Roman buildings

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 6th Grade

  • Active rest vs. passive rest.
  • Playing indoors vs. outdoors.
  • Is your personality like your parents’?
  • Doctor vs. teacher.
  • Swimming vs. flying.
  • Tennis vs. badminton.
  • Rugby vs. boxing.
  • American football vs. basketball.
  • Ballet vs. breakdance.
  • Two Shakespeare plays.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for Elementary School

  • Tomatoes: are they fruits or vegetables?
  • Spring or autumn?
  • Aliens: real or not?
  • Circus vs. movies
  • Skiing vs. swimming
  • New Year vs. Christmas.
  • Summer vs. winter.
  • Apple vs. pear.
  • Emotional Support Animal vs. Service Animal
  • Short hair vs. long hair.

Take a look at this blog for some fascinating examples of compare and contrast essays!

Funny Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Apples vs. Samsung Phones
  • Coffee vs. Energy Drinks
  • Morse Code vs. Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony
  • Moonwalk vs. Gangnam Style Dance
  • Soccer vs. American Football
  • McDonald’s vs. Taco Bell
  • Exercise vs. Dieting
  • Xbox vs. PlayStation
  • Being Single vs. Being in a Relationship
  • Growing a Tree vs. Raising a Child

Easy Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Comparing Books and Movies
  • What Accountants Do Now and Before
  • Key Contrasts in the Approaches of Some Recent Presidents
  • High School versus College Life
  • Japanese versus American Cars
  • Luxury Hotels versus Outdoor Adventures
  • Growing Up Alone versus Having Brothers and Sisters
  • The Importance of Friends and Family
  • Contrasting Volleyball and Basketball
  • Spring versus Autumn

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Movies

  • Rock music or jazz music?
  • Dumbledore or Gandalf.
  • Fiction or nonfiction?
  • Draco Malfoy or Harry Potter.
  • Frodo Baggins or Sam.
  • Loki or Thor.
  • The Vampire Slayer, Buffy, or Charmed.
  • Soviet Union films or American movies.
  • Movies or books: why do many people prefer reading?
  • Thrillers and scary movies: what similarities do they share?

Psychology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • What methods does trait theory use, and how does it compare with contrast theory?
  • Are hallucinations and dreaming that seem real alike?
  • Is problem-solving ability different from intelligence?
  • What common traits do anxiety and depression share?
  • Why do some people feel anxious in social situations or about public speaking?
  • How does child abuse impact the relationship between a parent and child?
  • Is allowing children more freedom better than overly controlling parenting?
  • Does Schizophrenia lead to borderline personality disorder?
  • Ego versus superego.
  • How much do parents influence compared to peers?
  • What are the roles and functions of the conscious and unconscious mind in psychology?

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Sports

  • Tennis compared to badminton.
  • Hockey compared to golf.
  • American soccer compared to basketball.
  • Real Madrid against Barcelona.
  • Football versus Basketball.
  • Taking a walk versus dining out with your partner.
  • Team Jamaica versus Team USA.
  • Formula One racing versus Off-Road Racing.
  • Team Germany against Team Brazil.
  • Exercising in the morning versus exercising in the evening.

Medical Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Should you get vaccinated or not? We’ll examine both perspectives and present them accurately.
  • Comparing wheat and corn grain.
  • 3-D Imaging versus traditional body limb replacements.
  • Is it better to use a stent or not, and why?
  • The debate over universal health care.
  • Exploring the Right to Die and the Right to Live.
  • Comparing traditional drug therapies with holistic remedies.
  • Choosing between traditional hospitals and outpatient clinics.
  • The balance between public health and personalized medicine.
  • Deciding between conventional surgery and minimally invasive surgery.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Management and Marketing

  • Democratic versus autocratic management styles and their impacts during a crisis.
  • Hands-on versus long-term planning in management.
  • Management by rules or by goals.
  • Leading versus managing.
  • Contrast running the show versus overseeing.
  • Assess advertising approaches in two firms.
  • Promotion versus sales strategies.
  • Points of distinction and likeness between two market research firms.
  • Examine two providers of marketing automation.

Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • The appeal of Pepsi and Coke.
  • Communism versus capitalism.
  • Employment in a large company or a startup.
  • KFC versus McDonald’s.
  • Contrasts between Baroque and Renaissance.
  • Burgers versus vegetarian dishes.
  • The ease of laptops and tablets.
  • Impacts of printed advertisements and TV commercials.
  • Outdoor pursuits versus video gaming.
  • American versus Australian English.

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics on Teenagers

  • Comparing Acting and Lying:
  • Your parents.
  • High school versus college.
  • Summer camps and religious classes.
  • Brothers and sisters versus pals.
  • Staying in dorms versus renting a place.
  • Driving cars or biking.
  • How do classic styles stack up against modern trends?
  • Private universities versus state schools.
  • Growing up versus being an adult.

Compare and Contrast Topics on Economy

  • Capitalism or Socialism?
  • Market Economy or Command Economy?
  • Economic Growth or Economic Development?
  • Free Trade or Protectionism?
  • Microeconomics or Macroeconomics?
  • Inflation or Deflation?
  • Fiscal Policy or Monetary Policy?
  • Developed Economies or Developing Economies?
  • Globalization or Economic Nationalism?
  • Income Inequality or Wealth Redistribution?

Social Studies Compare and Contrast Essay Topics 

  • Impact of social media on political activism: How it’s changing things
  • Traditional education vs. online learning: Which is better?
  • Cultural assimilation vs. cultural preservation: Finding balance in a connected world
  • Democracy vs. authoritarianism: How countries are governed differently
  • Urbanization vs. rural life: Pros and cons of city living
  • Traditional gender roles vs. gender equality: How society’s views are changing
  • Climate change and environmental policies: What countries are doing to help
  • Capitalism vs. socialism: Different ways economies work
  • Impact of immigration policies: What happens when countries restrict immigration
  • Indigenous rights and land conservation: Protecting land while respecting indigenous people

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics Education 2024

  • Old-style classroom learning and learning from far
  • Fixed tests versus other ways of measuring
  • Schools run by the government versus private ones
  • Learning through projects versus only listening
  • Learning on the internet versus going to school
  • Teaching one person at a time versus a whole group
  • Learning about science and math versus studying many things
  • Going to a real school versus learning at home
  • Working together versus learning alone
  • Using technology in class versus doing things the usual way

Language Arts Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Classic books versus modern novels
  • Understanding poetry and stories: How they’re written differently
  • Old fairy tales versus new ones
  • Tragic plays by Shakespeare compared to ancient Greek ones
  • Characters in stories versus real people we admire
  • News writing versus making up stories
  • Finding deeper meanings in stories versus telling stories with hidden meanings
  • Personal stories versus stories about other people’s lives
  • Gloomy stories about the future versus hopeful ones

Science and Technology Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Artificial intelligence compared to human intelligence
  • Renewable energy versus fossil fuels
  • Genetic engineering versus natural selection
  • Virtual reality compared to augmented reality
  • Robotics versus automation
  • Quantum computing versus classical computing
  • Biotechnology compared to bioengineering
  • Nanotechnology versus microtechnology
  • Space exploration versus ocean exploration
  • Cybersecurity versus privacy

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics for 2024 in Politics

  • Populist movements versus traditional politics
  • Climate change agreements: Paris Agreement versus upcoming initiatives
  • New technology in political campaigns
  • Forward-thinking policies versus traditional ones
  • Environmental parties versus mainstream political parties
  • Global relations: Working together versus one-on-one deals
  • Youth involvement in politics: Activism and voting
  • Dealing with false information and privacy concerns
  • Spreading out power versus keeping it centralized
  • Equality in leadership roles for all genders

Compare and Contrast Essay Ideas About Daily Life

  • Old-Fashioned Meals versus Fast Food
  • Living in the City versus Living in the Suburbs
  • Classic Family Setup versus Modern Family Setups
  • Morning Habits versus Nighttime Habits
  • Using Public Transit versus Using Your Own Car
  • Conventional Ways of Communicating versus Digital Communication
  • Parent Who Stays at Home versus Parent Who Works
  • Farming in the Countryside versus Farming in the City
  • Hobbies Done Without the Internet versus Hobbies Done Online
  • Going Shopping in Stores versus Shopping Online

Entertainment Compare and Contrast Essay Topics

  • Movies or books: Looking at different ways stories are told
  • Live shows or recorded shows: Different experiences for audiences
  • Regular TV or streaming: How we watch entertainment is changing
  • Concerts or festivals: Comparing live music events
  • Theater or movies: Understanding stage and screen productions
  • Video games or sports: Virtual and physical competitions
  • Stand-up comedy or improv: Different kinds of funny performances
  • Classic board games or video games: Interactive gaming compared
  • Traditional art or digital art: Old-fashioned and modern art forms
  • Theme parks or adventure parks: Different kinds of fun experiences

How to Choose a Compare and Contrast Essay Topic?

Choosing a compare and contrast essay topic might seem tricky, but it’s totally doable! Just follow these easy steps to find the perfect topic:

  • Figure out what interests you: Think about different subjects and pick one that you find really interesting.
  • Look into potential topics: Search for ideas that are current and relevant so your essay stands out.
  • Pick two subjects that are alike in some ways but different in others.
  • Think about what your readers will like: Choose topics that will grab their attention and keep them interested.
  • Come up with ideas: Write down some possible topics and think about how they could be compared and contrasted.
  • Check your sources: Make sure there are enough good sources to back up your essay.
  • Narrow it down: Choose the best topic from your list, one that’s interesting and not too hard to write about.
  • Make a clear thesis statement: Write a short and clear statement that says what your essay will compare and contrast.
  • Get organized: Make a plan or outline to help you write your essay in a clear and organized way.

Follow these steps, and you’ll pick a great compare and contrast essay topic that will impress your readers!

Final Thoughts

We’ve covered many compare and contrast essay topics that students find interesting and useful. These topics give you a good starting point for your writing, letting you compare and contrast different aspects of different subjects.

We hope this blog has sparked your creativity and helped you choose unique topics. But if you’re struggling with your essay, it’s best to seek professional help.

At, we offer a solution for your essay writing challenges. Our compare and contrast essay writing service guides you through every step of the process. Whether you need assistance refining your topic or organizing your ideas, our team is here to support you.

We’re committed to helping students succeed academically with our college paper writing service. Our skilled essay writers ensure top-quality essays every time.

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