Do you want to get better at writing essays? We’re here to help. In this article, we’ve gathered some great tips from our expert team who’ve helped lots of students with college applications. They know all about writing top-notch essays that can get you into even the toughest colleges.

This guide will teach you how to write better essays and give you nine important tips to keep in mind when you’re working on your college application essays. Our team knows all about the essay questions colleges ask and how to structure your essays to make them stand out.

In addition to our tips, this guide will cover common essay questions, how to approach them, and ways to use essay samples to improve your writing. We’ll also share some tricks to make sure your essays catch the reader’s eye. If you need help with your college essays, keep reading!

College Application Requirements

The college essay is a crucial part of getting into college, but it’s not the only thing that matters. Along with your essay, colleges want to see your grades, activities, recommendations, and sometimes other essays like a personal statement or resume. Make sure you know when your college applications are due because each college has its own requirements, including different essay questions.

While your grades and activities show colleges how you’ve done in school, your essay helps them understand who you are and what you want. Colleges use essay questions to figure out who would fit well at their school. Good essays let you show your personality and talk about parts of high school that colleges might not know about. If you want to get better at writing essays, we’ve listed different types of essay questions you might see below.

Common App essay vs. supplemental essays

During the college application process, you’ll have to deal with two types of essays: the Common App essay and supplemental essays. The Common App essay, also called a personal statement, has a 650-word limit. You get to choose from seven prompts and send your essays to different colleges. This type of essay lets you share a personal passion, achievement, or important story. The best essays make the reader feel like they know you personally. Checking out tips and ideas for college essays can help you improve your writing skills.

Supplemental essays come along with the Common App essay. These are usually shorter, ranging from 150 to 300 words. They’re specific to each school and aim to see how well you know about the college you’re applying to. In the next part, we’ll look at the different types of supplemental essays you might face and give you some tips to improve your writing skills.

What is a supplemental essay?

Supplemental essays are extra essays that certain schools ask for. While the main essay prompts might be similar, each supplemental essay should be specific to the school you’re applying to. These supplemental essays give schools more insight into you and your interests beyond what they get from your main college application essay. Not all schools require supplemental essays, but it’s important to set aside time for them just in case. Some schools might have 2-3 supplemental essay prompts, so if you’re not ready, it could mean a lot of supplemental writing.

There are different types of supplemental essays. Some schools, like Columbia, have short prompts asking about influential books, movies, or how you pursue your interests. Others, like Harvard, require extra personal statements along with the main essay. Some schools, such as Fordham, give you the option to write supplemental essays. Essay Embassy suggests writing these supplemental essays for every school you’re applying to, even if they’re optional.

Here are some tips for common supplemental essay prompts you might come across. These tips can help you figure out what to write about and improve your essay writing skills. They’re useful for generating ideas and crafting better essays.

Tips to Write Better Essays

1. Why School Essay 

The “Why School” essay is a popular college essay prompt. It asks you to explain why you’re interested in that specific school. As you go through these essay prompts, make sure to think about your own reasons for applying.

2. Why Major Essay

The Why Major Essay helps colleges understand why you’re passionate about your chosen field. Explain why you’re interested and how the school will support your goals. Look at UPenn supplemental essays for inspiration.

3. Cultural Diversity Essay 

Many schools use the Cultural Diversity Essay to understand more about your background or to highlight important parts of who you are. Tufts supplemental essays include one about Cultural Diversity. This prompt asks students to talk about how their upbringing has influenced who they are.

4. Personal Challenge Essay 

The Personal Challenge Essay asks students to talk about a problem they faced and conquered. Some of the most impressive college essays discuss students’ personal struggles, but it’s tough to avoid sharing too much. Look at examples of college essays to help you strike the right balance.

5. Extracurricular Activities Essay

The Extracurricular Activities Essay is your opportunity to share more about yourself beyond what’s on your college application. You can talk about the club, sport, or community project that you’re passionate about. Yale’s supplemental essays include one about Extracurricular Activities, inviting applicants to talk about how they’ve made a positive impact in their community.

6. Unique or Oddball College Essays 

Consider the University of Chicago, for example. It’s known for its unique essay prompts. These prompts encourage students to get creative, leading to some really great admission essays. Though they might seem intimidating, they’re actually a chance to show off your creativity. And hey, they can be a lot of fun to write, so don’t shy away from them!

7. Short Essays 

Writing short college application essays can be tough. But getting better at writing essays will really help with short essay topics. These short prompts need you to be brief and careful about what you include. In short essays, every word matters. So, think carefully about what you want to say and how you’ll say it. This way, you can create top-notch college entrance essays.

You can find many extra essays, but they all have one thing in common: they help admissions officers learn more about you and your goals. If you’re stuck on your essays, U.S. News has some helpful advice on How to Write a Supplemental Essay. Harvard offers great resources for essay writing, like “12 Strategies for Writing the Perfect College Essay” and insights from students. Vanderbilt and Smith College also have helpful tips for writing essays.

Do colleges care about supplemental essays?

When it comes to how supplemental writing affects admissions, it’s hard to say exactly. But what we do know is that universities really care about your essays. Your supplemental essay is your best shot at talking directly to the universities you’re applying to. It’s a big deal for admissions folks to get to know you better. Even if some college essay topics might seem a bit silly or repetitive, it’s important to put effort into your writing.

One of the most common mistakes students make is sending the same essay to different universities. While you can use some of the same words and ideas, each essay should be tailored to the specific college. Colleges want to make sure that the students they accept are genuinely excited about their campus, and the best essays show that excitement. The usual college essay questions are there to help admissions officers learn more about you, so take them seriously.

Case Study: Ivy League Essays

Let’s imagine two students, Lisa and Leo. They both have similar SAT scores, GPAs, and strong recommendation letters. Both were deeply involved in extracurricular activities and met the admission criteria for several Ivy League universities. Lisa wanted to get better at writing essays, while Leo didn’t think essays were as important as other parts of his application. Lisa started looking up advice on writing college essays, studying examples, and learning about essay structures. She read articles on improving essay writing, like U.S. News and Forbes’ The Perfectionist’s Guide to the College Essay.

Leo, on the other hand, didn’t pay much attention to essay tips or improving his writing. He submitted the same “Why Major” essay to multiple top-choice schools without seeking any help. While Lisa made sure that each of her essay prompts showed her uniqueness, Leo didn’t think it would matter. On Decision Day, it wasn’t surprising that Lisa got accepted to her dream school while Leo found himself on the waitlist.

Lisa’s advantage over Leo is clear: spending time and effort on improving essay writing skills increases your chances of acceptance. Crafting interesting and original essay topics may seem tough, but it’s worth it. By following common essay guidelines and reading various samples, you’ll be surprised at how quickly you can improve your writing.

What makes a great college essay?

With so many tools and college essay suggestions available, it might be difficult to decide what constitutes an excellent college essay. When learning how to write better essays, it can be useful to have some rules to follow. To teach you how to write better essays, we’ve compiled a list of five crucial components of the best college entrance essays.

How to Write a Great College Essay

1. Compelling Hook

Creating a captivating beginning for your college essay can make a big difference. Not sure how to start? Try sharing a personal story or anecdote in the first paragraph. This can really grab your reader’s attention. And don’t forget, ending your essay well is just as important as starting it strong.

2. Personal detail not offered elsewhere in application 

The college application essay format is designed to help you highlight information that may not be included elsewhere in your application. Great college admissions essays improve your application and provide insights to help build a well-rounded profile. To write better essays, try brainstorming specific details or stories that aren’t already included in your application.

3. Original and engaging topics 

When working on your college application essays, aim for originality and interest. Be imaginative and think creatively. Improving your essay writing skills will help you generate unique ideas that stand out. If you’re feeling stuck, check out U.S. News’ 10 Tips to Inspire College Essays. You might also want to read their article on common essay topics and how admissions officers review them.

4. Unique and personal voice 

One of the most important tips for college essays is to find your own unique and personal voice. This can be the most challenging part of learning how to write great essays. But it’s crucial for making your essays stand out. Your writing should reflect who you are as a person and let the reader get to know you. Developing your own writing style is a valuable skill that takes time and effort. If you’re struggling to find your voice, Forbes has a helpful guide you can check out here.

5. Grammatically sound and free of errors 

Mistakes in college essays are common in early drafts, so proofreading is key. A polished, grammatically correct essay can impress admissions officers. Improving your essay-writing skills helps you catch and fix errors. If you’re unsure about following rules, U.S. News has helpful tips on grammar for college essays.

To make sure your writing is top-notch, put in plenty of time and effort on your essays. Get help from teachers, mentors, and family for proofreading and editing. Practicing writing essays is key, so start early to get better.

How do I make my college essay stand out?

In today’s competitive college application landscape, it’s essential that your college essay stands out. To help you improve your essay writing skills, we’ve put together a list of 9 college essay tips. Whether you’re unsure how to start your college essay or need guidance on the structure of the college application essay, our tips are designed to support you at every step.

Our advice is suitable for students at all stages of the application process, whether you’re a freshman or sophomore looking to get ahead or a senior knee-deep in applications. If you want more detailed guidance, Forbes has a great resource called “How to Write a College Essay,” which you can check out here.

By following our 9 college essay tips, you can create compelling essays that effectively communicate your message to colleges.

9 College Essay Tips

Tackling the essay part of college applications might feel overwhelming. In our guide on crafting stronger essays, we’ve covered crucial advice, like what colleges look for, what makes a great essay, and how to write better essays. Now, let’s delve into some practical tips applicable to any essay challenge you face.

Only the strongest college essays make the cut, so mastering the art of essay writing is key, especially for those aiming for top schools like Ivy Leagues. Study great essays from schools like Tufts, Fordham, UPenn, and Yale for inspiration. Also, keep an eye on college websites for unique essay prompts, like those for Smith College.

You can write excellent college application essays by using various tools and tips outlined in our guide. Our advice comes from experienced experts who’ve helped many students through admissions, like those shared in Vanderbilt’s tips.

If you’re keen on finding out how to begin a college essay and enhance your essay writing skills, you’re in for a treat! We’ve got 9 fantastic college essay tips ready for you. These suggestions are aimed at helping you create excellent essays that highlight your unique abilities.

#1: Start Early

Want to ace your essays? Start early. It’s a common tip, but it’s crucial. Starting early gives you time to brainstorm, draft, and revise without stress. This groundwork is key for writing standout college admission essays.

According to U.S. News, start writing during the summer before your senior year. Schools often release essay prompts then. By fall, you can have your personal statement and college list ready. This makes it easier to dive into writing when prompts are announced.

Starting early also lets you create multiple drafts before application deadlines. Early Action or Early Decision deadlines can be in October or November, while regular decision deadlines are usually in December or January. Plan your timeline and prioritize essays based on due dates.

Planning your essay strategy

In addition to the Common App essay, many colleges also require supplemental essays. These essays ask why you’re interested in a certain college or major. They usually come out in late summer and are shorter than the main essay. Don’t forget about these supplemental essays when planning your time!

Starting early gives you time to understand what each college wants. You can find essay details on their websites, like prompts and word limits. Understanding these standards helps you prepare well and write great essays.

Whether it’s Tufts, Fordham, UPenn, Yale, or Smith College, follow their specific guidelines for your essays. Make sure you understand what each question is asking for.

#2: Practice Writing about Yourself

Writing college essays requires being open and sincere, which can surprise students. However, it’s crucial for creating excellent essays. Sharing personal details and dreams goes beyond just listing achievements. But don’t feel like you have to overshare everything or unload all your struggles.

While you might be great at research papers, writing about yourself can be tough. There aren’t many times outside of college applications where you have to do it. Another tip for improving your college essays is to practice writing about yourself.

There are different ways to do this. Start by keeping a daily journal. Eventually, you’ll need to write about your thoughts and experiences. You can also try recording yourself talking and then writing it down. This helps make sure your writing sounds like you and is easy to read. Freewriting is another option. Just set a timer and write until it goes off. The more you do it, the easier it becomes. And you might find some great insights in your writing.

Targeted essay practice

To improve your writing about yourself, try practicing with past college application essay questions. They’re similar to what you’ll see in your own applications. Also, check out samples from other students to see how they’ve answered. Remember, practice is key when it comes to getting better at writing essays about yourself.

#3: Familiarize yourself with the essay prompts

Here are some of the most popular types of supplemental essays and college essay prompts:

  • Why School Essay
  • Why Major Essay
  • Cultural Diversity Essay
  • Personal Challenge Essay
  • Extracurricular Activities Essay
  • Unique or Oddball College Essays
  • Short Essays

These college essay prompts generally fit into one of these college application essay format categories. So, it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with them beforehand to craft superior essays. By reviewing past college essay topics and forms, you can practice your responses and write exceptional college admission essays.

Whether you’re tackling Tufts supplemental essays, Fordham supplemental essays, UPenn supplemental essays, Yale supplemental essays, or Smith College essays, having exposure to a variety of prompts will give you an edge, increasing your chances of admission to top-tier schools.

Reading sample college essays

Exploring examples of college essays can help you understand what schools are looking for in applicants. By reviewing these examples, you’ll get a better idea of what admissions teams want to see, which will help you understand what’s required in your own application.

Looking at different types of essays, such as those focusing on extracurricular activities or specific topics, can give you insights into how to write about your own experiences effectively. Pay attention to how these activities have influenced your journey to higher education.

When writing your essays, make sure to stick to the word limits given in the prompts. This will help you keep your essay focused and concise, which is important for making a strong impression.

Following these tips will help you tackle college essay prompts confidently and produce great responses. By familiarizing yourself with different types of prompts, you’ll be well-prepared for any essay assignment you encounter.

#4: Take time to research

Before you start writing, take some time to learn more about the colleges you’re applying to. It’s important to explore the specifics of each university on your list. This way, you can pinpoint opportunities that match your goals and ensure that you’re a good fit for the school. Including school-specific information is crucial for crafting top-notch essays.

But don’t just stick to the basics like essay prompts and application requirements. Dig deeper into what makes each institution unique and how it resonates with your interests. What major are you interested in? Why does the campus setting appeal to you? Which student groups do you hope to join? Are there any professors you admire and wish to learn from? Highlighting these aspects shows the admissions team that you’ve carefully chosen the right college for you.

Learn as much as you can so you can submit a well-informed and compelling application. Your essay should outline how the college meets your needs and how you plan to contribute to the campus community.

Be sure to mention any distinctive features of the institution or program that align with your career goals. The more details you include, the better you can explain why you belong at that particular institution. Researching the college you’re applying to will help you understand its values and opportunities. Then, use the specific details that attracted you to the institution to create impactful essays.

#5: Outline your essays

Creating outlines for your essays is essential for crafting better essays. Outlines help you organize your thoughts, structure your ideas, and ensure your essays effectively communicate your message.

They clarify your main points and help you stay focused throughout your writing. By using outlines, you make the most of your word count and develop clear themes for your college essays. Additionally, outlines assist with time management.

During the writing process, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose focus. While it’s okay to explore different ideas during brainstorming, it’s crucial to remain intentional when writing your actual essay. A well-thought-out plan sets you up for success in your essay writing journey.

#6: Never repeat yourself

Supplemental essays let you share more about yourself with the admissions committee, highlighting why you’re a great fit for the school. Our sixth guideline for crafting better college essays advises against repeating yourself. Use your essays to explore various topics, experiences, and viewpoints.

Sometimes, you’ll need to write two different supplemental essays for a school. Let’s say you choose to discuss similar themes in both, like your passion for community involvement. While it might seem logical, it’s better to pick two entirely unrelated topics. Writing about different subjects shows you’re a well-rounded applicant who can contribute in diverse ways to the college community.

When expanding on your extracurricular activities from the Common App, aim to provide deeper insights and meaning. Avoid repeating what’s already known. Instead, use this opportunity to delve into specific initiatives, achievements, leadership roles, and personal growth.

#7: Showcase your voice

Your writing voice is like your personal style on paper—it’s how you express yourself through words. When crafting college essays, your voice should shine through, so the admissions committee can get a sense of who you are.

Being authentic is key to creating standout essays. Make sure your essays sound like you, without trying to sound overly formal or using language that’s out of character.

Follow these guidelines to showcase your personality, values, and thoughts. Let your true voice come through, offering a genuine and honest reflection of yourself. After all, your writing should represent who you are.

#8: “Show” don’t “Tell”

You’ve probably heard this one before, but let’s talk about #8 on our list of tips for writing great college essays: show, don’t tell. When you’re writing your essays for college applications, it’s important to let your personality shine through, beyond just your grades. Stories that grab attention and draw readers in work better than just listing facts.

Think about the stories from your life that mean the most to you. Do they really show who you are—your personality, what you care about, and what makes you tick? It’s not enough to just say you have certain qualities. You need to share experiences that demonstrate them to the admissions team.

Let’s take a look at this example of “show” vs “tell” writing:

In writing, there’s a helpful trick called “showing” instead of “telling.” Instead of just saying something, you describe it in a way that makes it come alive for your reader. Let me give you an example:

Imagine saying, “I care about helping people.” That’s telling. Now, consider this:

Last summer, I volunteered at a local homeless shelter. On a hot day, I gave a plate of hot food to a tired mom and her three kids. Her face lit up with relief, and I couldn’t help but smile back. At that moment, I felt so good. It wasn’t just about the food; it was about connecting and lending a hand when it mattered most.

By sharing this story, I’m not just saying I like to help. I’m showing it through a real experience that meant a lot to me. It’s moments like these that inspire me to keep helping others.

When you write essays, especially for college, remember to show your experiences and feelings. Don’t just say you care about something; show it with stories and reflections. This makes your essays more interesting and shows who you really are.

Whether you’re applying to Tufts, Fordham, UPenn, Yale, or Smith College, remember: showing is the key to writing great essays that get noticed.

#9: Ask for help!

Taking the editing part of your college essays seriously is just as important as writing them. It’s a key step in our college essay tips: start early! Starting early gives you more time to get input from parents, teachers, and counselors, which can be really helpful. Having someone else look at your writing can teach you a lot, so make sure you give this step enough time.

Once you think your essay is ready, use different tools to make sure it’s free of mistakes. Start with simple tools like spell-check to catch any errors. Then, try to get feedback from at least two experienced people. Their advice can really help you make your essays better. Take a look at tips from Harvard experts and students on how to write great college essays.

Give yourself time to get feedback on your essay topics, ideas, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Following these suggestions will help you finish your college application essays well before the deadline. This ensures you submit work that impresses admissions officers and is free of errors. If you’re a perfectionist, check out Forbes’ guide to the college essay.

After going through all these tips, you should know how to get started on a college essay. If you need more help, feel free to contact our experts at Essay Embassy. We can help with writing college essays, supplemental essays, and provide examples of successful ones. And if you ever feel stuck on how to improve your essay, just come back to these tips.

Learning how to write better essays

Many students struggle to write better essays for college applications. They might feel unsure about producing strong admission essays or understanding the right structure. But don’t worry – improving your essay writing is possible if you follow some simple tips and seek help if needed. Writing a great college essay takes practice, revision, and time.

Are you looking to improve your essay writing skills? Start by setting aside enough time to focus on your college application essay prompts. Our tips involve research, outlining, and planning before diving into your first draft. The more time you spend revising and fixing mistakes, the better your essay will be.

It’s important to follow college essay tips, especially if you’re new to this type of writing. College essay questions and supplemental essays require different skills compared to high school essays. While high school teachers often say not to get too personal in academic writing, college essays thrive on personal insights and experiences.

As you work on improving your essay writing, don’t hesitate to get inspiration from past successes. Reading successful college application essays can give you useful insights into formatting and style. They can also inspire your own writing, especially considering the many essay prompts you’ll encounter. Many universities require multiple supplemental essays, so reading widely can help you prepare for different topics you might face.

Approaching Different Types of Essays

Understanding how to write really good college essays gets easier with practice. Trying out different essay topics helps you get better. Reading sample essays before writing your own gives you ideas. But remember, it’s important to actually write something using all the advice you’ve gathered.

Every essay is different, whether it’s about your hobbies, what you want to study, or challenges you’ve faced. The goal is to show colleges the best parts of yourself, but it can be tricky depending on the question. Trying out different types of essays helps you figure out what works best.

These days, there are lots of different essay topics to choose from. Some will suit you better than others. Figuring out which ones show off your strengths is key. And don’t worry too much about writing about something completely new. You can make ordinary topics work as long as you show off what makes you great.

Writing a really good essay with a limited word count is tough. Most academic essays are long, but some college essays are really short, like only 150 words. Short essays need to be clear and often need lots of editing. The best college essays come from having really good, well-thought-out ideas—so start early!

Reading College Essay Examples

Exploring great college essay examples is a really helpful way to get better at writing your own essays. Lots of college websites have essays from students who just got in. You can see what they wrote about and get ideas for your own essays.

But, it’s super important not to copy someone else’s essays. That’s called plagiarism, and it’s a big no-no. Plus, if you copy, it won’t help you learn how to write good essays for the prompts you get. The best way to write awesome essays is to find your own style and get inspired by research. is also a great place to find lots of different essay prompts. They’ve gathered some of the best college essays written by students who got into top universities. These examples, along with helpful tips, show you how to write better essays.

There’s also a helpful post with ten different essays that helped their writers get accepted. It covers all kinds of essay formats, including Common Application essays and other types of essays colleges ask for. No matter what prompts you have to write about, looking at examples can help you start your essay off right.

More Essay Guides from Essay Embassy

At Essay Embassy, we know how helpful it is to check out successful college essay examples. That’s why we’ve put together essay guides for over 100 top universities’ essay prompts, including schools like UPenn, Yale, and Tufts. Our guides can get you ready for any college’s essay requirements.

Because every school has different essay prompts, it’s a good idea to start with specific essay guides. If you’re looking for tips on writing essays for a particular school, reading successful essays is your best bet. We also have articles to help you write better essays for Ivy League schools, the UC system, and more.

But what about tips for essays that aren’t specific to any school? Well, almost all schools require some kind of personal statement, whether it’s through the Common Application, Coalition Application, or another format. While there are plenty of articles out there with general tips on college essays, like the ones from U.S. News or Forbes, the best way to improve your own writing is by reading full examples.

Use your network

Don’t be afraid to ask people you know for advice on your college essays. Do you have a friend, an older sibling, or someone from your old high school who’s now at one of the colleges you’re considering? It’s worth asking them about their essays or their experiences at the school. If they’re nearby, you could even take a walk around campus together.

Their advice could be really helpful because they’ve already gone through the admissions process and been accepted. They can also give you good insights into what kind of person you are, which can help you figure out which essay topics will work best for you. And when you’re trying to write better essays, don’t forget to use all the resources you have available to you.

Making your supplemental essays stand out

We’ve shared lots of advice on how to write better essays. You might be feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the tips and topics we’ve covered. Let’s simplify things and focus on the most important aspects of writing great essays.

To sum up, we want to highlight three more tips for writing standout supplemental essays, especially if you’re applying to popular schools where there are lots of applicants.

Depending on how big the school is, admissions officers might have to read through hundreds or even thousands of applications. Since everyone has to follow the same application rules, they’ll likely see lots of responses to the same essay questions. So, making sure your essay stands out is really important for making a good impression on your application.

How to Write a Standout Essay

1. Prepare with Research

One of our top tips for college essays is to do your homework. Additional essays often ask why you want to go to a particular school or how you fit with its values. To tackle these topics well, it’s important to understand what draws you to the school.

Take virtual or in-person tours and explore the school’s website thoroughly. This research will give you a strong foundation for your essays.

Well-informed and enthusiastic college essays, based on thorough research, stand out from generic ones that lack deep knowledge of the school. So, focus on topics that genuinely inspire you and show your interest in pursuing those passions at the school.

2. Be Genuine

Another important tip for writing better essays is to be genuine. One of the most common mistakes students make in college essays is trying to say what they think admissions officers want to hear. Instead, use your essay to show who you really are.

Rather than just listing your achievements or trying to include every award you’ve received, share personal stories that answer the prompt and give insight into your personality. The best college admission essays highlight your unique qualities and experiences not found elsewhere in your application.

3. Don’t Skimp on Time

If you’re aiming to write better essays, remember that managing your time well is key. These tips for college essays are only really helpful if you start early enough to use them properly. So, get a head start!

Even though the Common Application opens on August 1st each year, it’s smart to begin sooner. Take some time to think about the topics that work best for you, or check out supplemental essays from the colleges you’re interested in. Starting early will definitely give you an advantage.

Starting your college admissions essays early gives you more time to edit—after all, the best essays go through several rounds of changes. Good editing takes time and patience, so starting early is key. Taking your time to try out different essay ideas and pick the best ones will help you submit your strongest work. You also need breaks. Sometimes, getting better at writing essays means taking a few days off, then coming back with fresh eyes!

Starting early also means you can write multiple drafts of your essays and get feedback from others. Besides giving yourself enough time, it’s important to ask for help on how to write better essays. Even if you’re a good writer, college application essays need specific skills. You can get support from family, friends, and teachers in many ways. Just make sure they’re not writing the essay for you or changing it in a way that doesn’t sound like you.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to college essay prompts, there are many different approaches for how to write better essays. Different college essay prompts will require different techniques. For example, the Fordham supplemental essays may require different skills and perspectives than the Smith college essay.

However, the college essay tips we’ve compiled here can be used with a wide range of college application essay prompts. These tips for how to write better essays come from experts in the field with years of admissions experience.

Don’t be afraid to share essays with your advisor, a trusted teacher, or a family member for additional college essay help. They may be able to see errors that you missed and provide a new perspective on your writing.

At the same time, since they know your personality, they can tell you if your writing is representative of your potential. In addition, seeking support from a expert can give you the added confidence that the advice you are receiving is backed by years of experience.

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