You’re almost done. You’ve finished your research, written your thesis, and prepared all your work and bibliography. Now, you can picture yourself in a cap and gown, ready to receive your master’s degree or PhD.

You worked hard, but you didn’t do it alone. Many people helped you along the way, just like supporting characters in a story. Thank them in the acknowledgment section of your thesis. Keep reading to learn how to write an acknowledgment for your thesis.

What is your thesis acknowledgement?

An acknowledgment section in a thesis is a short part where the author thanks those who helped them with their work, like colleagues, family, and friends.

Though not required, including an acknowledgment section in a thesis or dissertation is generally seen as polite for a few reasons:

  1. Even though you did most of the work on your thesis, others provided help that made it easier—and sometimes even possible—for you to do your research and finish your thesis.
  1. Often, the people who helped you will be the ones you work with on future projects. Thanking them for their help with your thesis shows appreciation and avoids offending anyone by forgetting their contributions.

Why is Thesis Acknowledgement So Important?

You should thank anyone who helped you with your thesis or made your life easier during that time. One easy way to make sure no one is overlooked is to make a list of everyone who contributed to your project, no matter how small their role.

Once you have your list, separate it into two categories: professional and personal acknowledgments.

Professional Acknowledgments

In your acknowledgements, make sure to include everyone who helped you in a professional way, like your adviser, coworkers, lab assistants, study subjects, and anyone who funded your work. Keep track of how much each funding agency donated and any other important details about their contributions. This part should come first in your acknowledgment section.

Personal Acknowledgements

For personal acknowledgments, thank everyone who supported you in a non-professional way. This includes your partner, family, and friends who encouraged and helped you. You can also thank anyone who inspired you to pursue your studies or had a big impact on you.

3 Tips For Writing An Acknowledgment For A Thesis

  1.  Format

An acknowledgment is usually about a page long, but it might be shorter or longer. There’s no specific length requirement for acknowledgments; just use as much space as you need to thank everyone who helped and supported your thesis. However, it’s best to keep this section concise: Aim for one page or less.

  1. Location

A thesis acknowledgment is typically placed after the abstract and before the table of contents in a document. However, this might vary depending on your university’s rules for thesis formatting, so it’s best to check with them for specific instructions.

  1. Tone

Keep a respectful and professional tone. When expressing appreciation, include the person’s full name and title. Avoid using nicknames or overly sentimental language when acknowledging individuals personally.

Thesis Acknowledgment Examples

  1. Undergraduate Thesis Acknowledgement Example

First and foremost, I want to thank my research supervisors, [Ms Name Surname], [Mr Name Surname], and [Ms Name Surname]. Without their help and dedication every step of the way, I wouldn’t have been able to finish this paper. I’m grateful for their support and understanding during the last four years.

I also want to thank my committee, which includes [Ms Name Surname], [Ms Name Surname], [Ms Name Surname], [Mr Name Surname], and [Ms Name Surname]. [Ms Name Surname] was my professor for first-year [subject] at [Name] University. Her teaching style and passion for the subject left a lasting impression on me, and I have fond memories of her classes. I talked about early versions of the [Name of the Subject] with [Mr Name Surname]. She brought up several important points during our discussion, and I hope I’ve addressed some of them here. While I haven’t worked with [Mr Name Surname], [Mr Name Surname], or [Ms Name Surname] before, their influence on my research is evident throughout my dissertation.

In March 2012, I spent several weeks at [Name] University studying with [Ms Name Surname]. My time at [Name] University was very productive, and working with [Ms Surname] was an amazing experience. Much of the analysis presented in Section III is based on my time at [Name of the University]. [Mr Name Surname] at [Name] University kindly assisted me with the statistical analysis in this dissertation and was very patient with my lack of expertise in the field. I would also like to thank two colleagues from the Department of [Name], [Name Surname], and [Name Surname], for helping me rush this thesis to the printer.

Completing my dissertation required more than just academic support, and I want to thank everyone who has listened to me and, at times, put up with me over the last three years. I cannot express enough how grateful I am for their friendship. [Name Surname], [Name Surname], [Name Surname], and [Name Surname] provided consistent personal and professional support during my time at the university. I want to thank everyone mentioned above, as well as [Name Surname], [Name Surname], and [Name Surname], for many enjoyable evenings out and in. I also want to thank [Name Surname] for welcoming me into her home and heart when I first arrived in the city.

Most importantly, none of this would have been possible without my family. My grandmother, who encouraged me every week through phone calls and letters, despite my inconsistent correspondence. [Name Surname] has been kind and supportive to me over the past few years, with her own special sense of humor. To my parents and sister, it would be an understatement to say that our family has experienced some challenges over the last three years. Every time I was on the verge of giving up, you refused to let me, and I am forever grateful. This dissertation stands as a testament to your unwavering love and encouragement.

  1. Bachelor Thesis Acknowledgement Example

First and foremost, I want to thank God for keeping me healthy and allowing me to finish this book.

I’d like to thank [Name], the Principal of the Faculty, for giving me access to all the research resources I needed.

A big thank you to the Dean of the Faculty, [Name], for always encouraging me.

I’m also grateful to [Name], a lecturer in the Department of [Department Name], for sharing their knowledge and offering helpful advice and support.

I want to thank all the faculty members in the Department for their help and support. And of course, I want to thank my parents for always being there for me. And my partner, too, for supporting me throughout this project.

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who helped out with this project, whether directly or indirectly.

Master Thesis Acknowledgement Example

First and foremost, I want to say thank you to my thesis advisor, [Title] [Name Surname], from the [School/Faculty Name] at [University Name]. Prof. [Last Name] always had an open door whenever I needed help or guidance with my research and writing. While encouraging me to work independently, he/she also provided invaluable direction when necessary.

I also want to thank the experts who took part in the validation survey for this research project: [List professional titles, names, and surnames of the experts]. Their enthusiastic participation and input were really important for the success of the validation survey.

I want to acknowledge [Title] [Name Surname] from the [School/Faculty Name] at [University Name] as the second reader of this thesis, and I am grateful for his/her helpful feedback.

Finally, I want to say a big thank you to my parents and [partner, husband, girl/boyfriend] for their unwavering support and encouragement throughout my studies and during the research and writing of this thesis. Their support made this achievement possible. Thank you.


[Name, Surname]

Thesis acknowledgment FAQs

What is it?

A thesis acknowledgment is a short section in a thesis where the author says thanks to those who helped them complete the work, both at work and in their personal life.

Who should be acknowledged?

Thank everyone who helped with your research, whether they were directly involved or not. This includes supervisors, colleagues, helpers, funding agencies, as well as family and friends who supported you.

What are some tips for acknowledgments in your thesis?

Keep a professional tone in your thesis acknowledgment. It should be formal but not too formal. Start with thanking people from work, then move on to personal thanks. When mentioning work colleagues, mentors, supervisors, and helpers, use their full names and job titles. Keep the acknowledgment short, no more than one page.

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