In American colleges, computer science is a very popular subject. Brown University and Cornell University have the highest number of students studying computer science among the Ivy League colleges. At Dartmouth College, it’s the second most popular subject, and at Princeton and Yale Universities, it’s the third most popular.

But you don’t have to study computer science to be successful. In fact, many graduates from top universities across America who have studied subjects like English, history, Classics, government, philosophy, and others have been very successful. So, who are these successful graduates from the arts? Let’s find out!

10 Successful Arts Majors Who Became Very Wealthy

Lloyd Blankfein: History

Blankfein, the senior chairman of Goldman Sachs, used to be the leader of the company for 12 years. He got a bachelor’s degree in history from Harvard College.

Andrea Jung: English

Jung is now the CEO of Grameen America, a non profit organisation that helps people with small loans. Before this, she was the CEO of Avon Products, Inc. for 13 years. She got a bachelor’s degree in English from Princeton University.

Andy Jassy: Government

Jassy is currently the boss at Amazon, and before that, he ran Amazon Web Services. He got a bachelor’s degree in government from Harvard College.

Carly Fiorina: Philosophy and Mediaeval History

Fiorina, who was the first woman to lead a big company on the Fortune list, was in charge of Hewlett-Packard for six years. She got a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and mediaeval history from Stanford University.

Alexa Hirschfeld: Classics

Hirschfeld helped start Paperless Post. She finished her studies at Harvard College, majoring in Classics, with a focus on ancient Greek and Latin poetry.

Whitney Wolfe Herd: International Relations

Wolfe Herd created Bumble and was its top leader. She also helped start Tinder. She completed her studies in international relations at Southern Methodist University.

George Soros: Philosophy

Soros started Soros Fund Management. He finished his studies in philosophy at the London School of Economics.

Henry Paulson: English

Paulson, who used to work as the US Treasury Secretary, was once the leader of Goldman Sachs. He finished his studies in English at Dartmouth College.

Susan Wojcicki: History

Wojcicki led YouTube as CEO for nine years and was Google’s first marketing manager. She studied history and literature at Harvard College.

David Solomon: Political Science and Government

Solomon has led Goldman Sachs as CEO for six years, previously serving as the company’s president and chief operating officer. He earned a bachelor’s degree in political science and government from Hamilton College.

Many More Wealthy People Majored in the Arts

In fact, many successful individuals have studied arts before excelling in other fields. You don’t have to study economics or finance to work on Wall Street, just like you don’t need to major in film to make movies or in art history to run a museum.

If you’re interested in studying art at a prestigious university, just fill out Ivy Coach’s form for a free chat. We’ll get in touch to talk about how we can help you with college advice.

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